New Left Review I/112, November-December 1978

Piero Sraffa

An unpublished letter from Piero Sraffa to Angelo Tasca

Dear Friend,

Your letter reached me yesterday, and I am most surprised to see that you have not received a long letter which I wrote many days ago and sent to you at Zeri, Bureau d’Editions. In it I replied to your previous letter, saying that I have asked for the Labriola books and will send them as soon as they arrive; and that I have received nos. 5 and 6 of S.O. [Stato Operaio]. I also told you my impressions of the article on the revaluation of the pound, enclosing a cutting from the famous Manchester Guardian article and referring you to the polemics on the matter. Let me know if it has reached you by now . . .

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Piero Sraffa, ‘An unpublished letter from Piero Sraffa to Angelo Tasca’, NLR I/112: £3

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