Posts Tagged ‘Ireland’

Dublin: Soli-demo for imprisoned hungerstrike comrade Umut Firat at Turkish Embassy (Ireland)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017


On Wednesday the 1st of February there was a solidarity vigil for Umut Firat in Dublin, Ireland. Anarchists and supporters of Umut’s hunger strike gather outside the Turkish Embassy. Turkish embassy staff came out to mock the protesters. Embassy staff called the police to have get the protesters to remove a banner that was tied to the fence of the embassy. The banner said FREE UMUT FIRAT! SOLIDARITY FROM IRELAND. The police stayed on till the vigil was over.

Umut has been on hunger strike for 53 days now. He has been locked up in prison for the last 23 years. He is on hunger strike because of the statues of emergency the Turkish state has imposed since the attempted coup d’etat in July, and against the harsh prison conditions imposed by the state because it.

Since the statues of emergency Umut as well as all political prisoners held in Turkey have had prison conditioned worsened some have been put into isolation, others have been forced into cramped cells, there are forced strip searches, visiting times have been reduced and some prisoners not allowed visits at all. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Report from ABC Dublin about Republican Prisoner Solidarity Events (Ireland)

Saturday, August 20th, 2016

7th of August 2016

Dublin Anarchist Black Cross at the Annual Anti-Internment March of Ireland


The Dublin Anarchist Black Cross was in attendance of this year’s anti-internment march. Prior to the march taking place the state put a block on the march from going ahead not giving the march organisers permission to march. This block did not deter people from coming out in support of the march and come out in solidarity with political prisoners in prisons in Ireland….

Over 1,000 people marched from the Busy Bee in Andersonstown in west Belfast, down the Falls Road towards Belfast City Hall. When the march reached the end of the Falls Road the Police had the road blocked with a line/siege of armored Jeeps and armed police preventing the march from reaching its destination.

The march could not go any further, a makeshift platform made from a wooden box was used by speakers to say a few words about the different campaigns they were from. There were speakers from the Justice for The Craigavon Two campaign and the Free Tony Taylor campaign. After the speakers were finished the march ended.

It is the 45th anniversary of internment – administrative detention – imprisonment without trial, which was used to try break a movement that is struggling against British imperialism in Ireland. The decades on since then not a lot has changed in Ireland and through the world, many people still being unjustly locked up and incarcerated… (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dublin: SquatCity – Update/Call out to join the Resistance! (Ireland)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

Hi, we have another update about the eviction resistance in Dublin!

Yesterday (Friday) we had court again, this time the judge had made a decision. He said the Injunction was successful, but he would delay it until May 4th. This means they will not try to evict us until then, but after that they will try to evict us.

We are hoping that the time we’ve been given will allow people to travel to help us, and for us to raise support and prepare ourselves. We’re expecting quite a heavy eviction so we’re preparing ourselves for that, and the more help we get the better chance we have of winning! We have a lot of local support but it would be great if people with experience of evictions, squatting etc could come to help in any way
they could.

We were thinking maybe some people would like to come for May Day here in Dublin, and then stay for a little while and help out with the eviction?

We managed to fight them back when they came without warning, when we weren’t prepared, so we can fight them back again now that we know when it’ll happen, we can be ready for them! We just need help!

Thank you to everyone who has sent us messages of support so far, and we hope to see you soon!

We can win this!

Solidarity to the arrested squatters in Amsterdam.


SquatCity x

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Posted in Autonomy

Dublin: International Callout: Help us resist eviction of SquatCity (Ireland)

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

Another update: Court was adjourned until 3pm 27 March, and may be delayed again after that. If anybody can get out and help/support us, we now have at least a little time.

Update: New email address – squatcitydublin(at)riseup.net

SquatCity (GrangeGorman), Dublin, currently resisting eviction. We are putting out an international callout for support, to help us resist the eviction of our homes, and to defend squatting in Dublin. We have been subject to a large scale eviction attempt over the last couple of days, and we are currently resisting, and appealing for help and support. Many of you would have stayed there during the International Squatters Convergence, and saw the space for yourselves.

Here is a brief timeline of what happened, as well as a short description of the space.
On Monday 23rd March, the squatted buildings at Grangegorman, where a community has been living for a year-and-a-half, was the subject of a violent attempted eviction by a large force of contractors and cops. Here is a summary of the situation.

The space consists of three houses, three converted office buildings, five warehouses, a main courtyard and two smaller yards, all home to around 30 people.
We are reclaiming unused space and building a community around it so it can be used autonomously for projects that would not be possible within the constraints of a rented space. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Anti-G8 2013 counter-summits in UK & Ireland

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

The 2013 G8 conference will be held by the British regime in Lough Erne, County Fermanagh on 17-18th June in the occupied North of Ireland. So far there are two initiatives being organised by left/social activists. The details are below.

Dublin, Ireland : http://dubaltg8.org/

Dublin Alternative G8 Summit 17th and 18th June – Theme of Summit: Resistance to Imperialism

Monday June 17th: Day of Lectures, Seminars, and Anti-imperialist Discussion, with national and international guest speakers. Night of Revolutionary Dance and Song.

Tuesday June 18th: Mass Demonstration in Dublin Center in Commemoration of the 1913 Dublin Lockout and to protest the presence of the world’s most dangerous war criminals holding their G8 summit on Irish soil.

London, UK : http://network23.org/stopg8/

10-14th June 2013: Week of action against the G8 conference taking place in the UK.

10 – 14 June, Week of action, London.

11 June, #J11 Carnival against Capitalism, London, West End.

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Posted in Autonomy

Shell HQ gets attacked (UK)

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

11 April 2011

“Just before midnight on Monday night some angry souls with paint descended upon the Shell offices at Duckmaster near Bolsover (not far from Chesterfield), They proceeded to paint the doors and windows in red and black, with a hint of green for good measure.

This action was carried out as small gesture of love and solidarity with those fighting against Shell in County Mayo Ireland.

This was done with rage against Shell, one of many multi-nationals who continue to rape and pillage the planet in the name of profit.

This was done because we are anarchists who are in love with this planet, and willing to strike wherever and whenever we see fit in order to defend it from corporate greed.

We know this action alone will not stop Shell, but it is a manifestation of desires to see harm done to those who destroy the planet and every living creature on it. We will continue, we will build and develop skills, we will strike again.

We encourage others to express their desires for the defense of the earth, and those with similar inclinations to take action against Shell and all other multi-nationals throughout the summer. “

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle