Travel Grants


Each year IAFFE holds an Annual Conference and a Pre-Conference Workshop that provide researchers, policy-makers, and community activists from throughout the world with a forum to share their work and experiences and to exchange ideas on gender issues. The IAFFE Annual Conference represents an important opportunity for participants to present current research, plan future research, and interact with other economists and advocates with similar interests.

IAFFE is committed to seeking travel funds to support our members who want to attend the Annual Conference and Pre-Conference Workshop, but are unable due to a lack of sufficient funding.

If you would like to be considered for travel grant support that may become available for the 2017 Annual Conference, please email as follows:

Please note: You must submit an abstract via the conference webpage and receive an acceptance letter prior to sending a Travel Grant Prospect email. 

Email subject: Travel Grant Prospect – [last name], [first name]

In the email provide:  1) Full Name, 2) Email, 3) Conference Maker ID