J.K. Rowling's Twitter War With Trump Supporters Is Magical

The president's Muslim ban has her all wand up.

01/31/2017 01:19 pm ET

It’s no secret that British author J.K. Rowling does not like President Donald Trump or his policies.

“When a man this ignorant & easy to manipulate gets within sniffing distance of the nuclear codes, it’s everyone’s business,” she tweeted one month before the 2016 election, defending her habit of using social media to take a stance on controversies surrounding the former reality star. Examples abound:

The results of the election didn’t stop her from speaking out on issues she cares about. And Trump’s latest executive order targeting Muslims and refugees is no exception.

In fact, it’s gotten the author into a retweeting kick in which she’s shared gems like this:

Rowling has also been sharing recent responses to a Trump Hotels tweet from 2011 that asked for a “favorite travel memory.”

Here are a couple of her favorite replies to the hotel chain’s callout:

And when Trump tweeted this critique of European policies ...

Rowling re-tweeted a clever response.

The author hasn’t just been retweeting, though ― she’s been doing her share of fire-starting, too. On Sunday she shared a 2015 tweet by current Vice President Mike Pence, which read: “Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional.”

She commented on Pence’s message by pairing it with a simple Bible quote:

And with that, Trump supporters came out of the woodwork. But Rowling handled each one with masterful rebuttals:

On Monday, she tweeted a Winston Churchill quote after receiving a number of hateful messages:

And, of course, she got trolling response:

But Rowling is not afraid of a duel.

She hit right back:

And she keeps going.

Damn girl, you’re on fire!

Also on HuffPost:

Evolution Of Trump's Muslim Ban
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