Daniel Tencer

Entries by Daniel Tencer

You're Winning Against Corruption, Canada, But Don't Drain The Swamp

(6) Comments | Posted January 25, 2017 | 3:13 PM

Transparency International has named Canada the ninth-least corrupt country in the world, in a report which also warns that populist movements like that of Donald Trump often result in increased corruption.

The latest edition of the corruption perceptions index names Denmark and New Zealand, respectively, as the countries...

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‘Green Paradox' Pushes Canada To Extract More Oil Faster: Study

(14) Comments | Posted January 24, 2017 | 11:57 PM

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said this week he "misspoke" when predicting the oilsands would someday have to be phased out, a new study says reducing oil production is exactly what the country needs to be doing if the world is going to meet its targets under the Paris climate...

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If Trump Thinks He Doesn't Need Canada, He's In For A Yuge Surprise

(71) Comments | Posted January 24, 2017 | 3:31 PM

“If our partners refuse a renegotiation that gives American workers a fair deal,” the White House website declared last Friday, “then the President will give notice of the United States’ intent to withdraw from NAFTA.”

It’s that sort of brimstone rhetoric that has many in Canada (and Mexico,...

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Loonie Soars A Cent U.S. In 3 Hours On Keystone XL Announcement

(5) Comments | Posted January 24, 2017 | 12:15 PM

Looks like money traders still see the loonie as a petro-currency.

Otherwise, how to explain the one cent U.S. jump in the Canadian dollar in the span of three hours this morning?

canadian dollar

The spike took place just as news broke that President Donald...

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NYC Is Now Cheaper For Homebuyers Than Toronto Or Vancouver. Here's The Proof.

(4) Comments | Posted January 24, 2017 | 9:40 AM

If someone asked you where housing is more expensive, Toronto or New York City, you'd likely say New York without thinking.

But you'd be wrong. Don't let those sky-high rents in Manhattan fool you: The island is home to less than 7 per cent of the New York metro area's...

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Vancouver's Middle Class Can Buy Less House Than Almost Anyone Else

(1) Comments | Posted January 23, 2017 | 2:30 PM

After years at number two, Vancouver has slipped on an index of the world’s least affordable cities for middle-class housing — all the way to third place.

According to the latest annual survey from Demographia, Vancouver fell behind Sydney, Australia, last year and maintained its third-place finish in...

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Only One-Fifth Of Millennials Have Ever Tried A Big Mac

(4) Comments | Posted January 23, 2017 | 12:19 PM

As it continues to lose market share to fast-casual chains and coffee shops, McDonald’s is in ever greater need of a McMiracle.

For a while it looked like maybe that miracle would be all-day breakfast, which has proven to be a hit in the U.S., and is now being

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White House Announces TPP Withdrawal, Plans For NAFTA Talks

(102) Comments | Posted January 21, 2017 | 2:43 PM

The White House website has been updated with a new trade strategy in the wake of President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

“This strategy starts by withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP] and making certain that any new trade deals are in the interests of American workers,” the website states.

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Looking For A Full-Time Job? One Place In Canada Beats Them All

(39) Comments | Posted January 19, 2017 | 3:43 PM

It might be time to brush up on your French skills.

Less than a year ago, we were reporting that Toronto and Vancouver were creating pretty much all the jobs in the country.

Not so anymore. The new hotspot for jobs in Canada is … Quebec. More precisely,...

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Trump Setting Up Repeat Of ‘29 Market Crash: Nobel-Winning Economist

(59) Comments | Posted January 19, 2017 | 12:42 PM

The election of Donald Trump is sending markets into a frenzy of greed and irrationality that could end up in a rerun of the 1929 stock market crash, warns a prominent Nobel-winning economist.

Robert Shiller — the “Shiller” in the Case Shiller Home Price Index — told an...

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Rents In Canada's Priciest Cities Rise At Breakneck Speed

(2) Comments | Posted January 19, 2017 | 8:55 AM

For years, Canadian house prices outpaced rental price growth by leaps and bounds. But recently it’s started to look like rents may be catching up.

Apartment listings site Padmapper’s latest monthly rent report for Canada shows two-bedroom units in Vancouver and Toronto — Canada’s priciest places to rent — have...

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Boomers Risk Their Retirement Supporting Adult Kids: TD Bank

(2) Comments | Posted January 18, 2017 | 2:57 PM

Many Canadian millennials need their parents’ help to buy a house these days. Others find themselves living with the folks well into adulthood — a phenomenon that is at its highest level in decades.

While those moves seem sensible in an era when young people face...

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Ontario To Hike Water-Taking Fees To A Whopping .025 Cents Per Unit

(58) Comments | Posted January 18, 2017 | 12:39 PM

Will this make Nestle think twice about taking Ontario's water?

The provincial government has posted a new proposed regulation that would raise the amount of money bottling companies would be charged for taking groundwater. The proposal would see the fee rise to $500 for every one million litres...

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History Repeating Itself? Toronto's Long Record Of Housing Busts

(3) Comments | Posted January 18, 2017 | 9:08 AM

So 2016 turned out to be yet another record-breaking year for Canada’s housing markets, particularly for Toronto, where sales rose to an all-time high and the average house price jumped by $122,000 in a single year, to around $730,000.

That’s about as unsustainable as a housing market can get. Yet...

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Canada Moves Closer To Taxing Netflix And Other Streaming Services

(207) Comments | Posted January 17, 2017 | 11:50 AM

The federal government is inching towards taxing Netflix and other streaming services, a move likely to be supported by Canada's media creators.

A briefing note prepared for Heritage Minister Melanie Joly argues in favour of charging sales tax on digital content subscriptions, such as on Netflix’s monthly fee.

The note...

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Canadian Shopping Malls Are Beating The Pants Off U.S. Ones

(0) Comments | Posted January 16, 2017 | 4:16 PM

Here’s a bit of a surprise: The busiest shopping centre in North America isn’t in New York or L.A., as one might expect. It’s in Toronto — the iconic Eaton Centre.

That’s just one tidbit of information from the Retail Council of Canada’s recent report, which shows Canadian malls are...

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Toronto Condo Rents Soar By Most On Record As Landlords Bail

(20) Comments | Posted January 16, 2017 | 1:56 PM

Toronto’s house prices have been soaring to beyond affordability for many buyers. Now it appears that the nearly half of the city’s residents who rent their homes could also see runaway price growth.

Urbanation, a real estate consultancy that tracks the Toronto condo market, is calling for more rental apartment...

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Canadian Home Prices Slow After Vancouver Sales Drop 40%

(2) Comments | Posted January 16, 2017 | 11:52 AM

Home sales in Canada hit an all-time high in 2016, but with new mortgage rules in place and mortgage rates rising, 2017 promises to be a different story, experts say.

The average resale house price in Canada reached $470,861 in December, up 3.5 per cent from a year earlier, the...

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‘Bizarre GOP Scheme' Could Seriously Damage Canadian Economy

(96) Comments | Posted January 16, 2017 | 8:32 AM

Donald Trump's White House transition team signaled late last week that Canada's auto industry could be targeted by a new U.S. border tax.

But Trump's Republican allies in Congress (if they are, indeed, his allies) are one step ahead of the president-elect. As part of their plan...

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Bizarre Glitches Have Some Convinced Russia Is Hacking U.S. Media

(28) Comments | Posted January 13, 2017 | 12:17 PM

Like so much else in American politics these days, it all looks very suspicious, but no one can prove anything.

Many on social media are wondering whether Russian hackers were involved with several strange glitches to Washington media feeds, and the Capitol building itself, on Thursday.

At around 2:30 PM...

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