New Left Review I/202, November-December 1993

Peter Wollen

Our Post-Communism: The Legacy of Karl Kautsky

Recently, as a result of preparing for this paper, I read for the first time Karl Kautsky’s Bolshevism at a Deadlock, published in German, in September 1930, as Der Bolschewismus in der Sackgasse—which we could better translate perhaps as No Way Through for Bolshevism. I found this an extraordinary book, both because of the nature of its approach to Soviet Communism, and also because of the uncanny topicality of its discussion of the problems that would face the former Soviet Union after the unavoidable collapse of the Communist regime.

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Peter Wollen, ‘Our Post-Communism: The Legacy of Karl Kautsky’, NLR I/202: £3

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