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Browse Consultancy Jobs

703 Consultancy Jobs in Canada

Consultants are professional advisors who work across the business sector, offering up their expert skills in a particular field to help solve problems and increase productivity. Particularly skilled in strategic planning, facilitation, education and training, the identification of problems, and the development and implementation of solutions, consultants specialize in certain areas according to their skill sets. Specializations include, but are not limited to, finance, human resources, litigation, marketing, operations, and technology. Each field has different duties. A technology consultant helps clients implement new technologies, whereas an operations consultant helps organizations increase productivity. Travel is usually common across all fields.

Responsibilities & Skills

The responsibilities of a consultant vary on a case-by-case basis and depend on a consultant's specialization. However, consultants are generally required to research projects, determine the effectiveness of policies and procedures, solve problems, develop proposals, and present and execute recommendations. Consultants need to be great communicators, both orally and in writing, as the job often involves meeting and discussing with clients. Strong organizational skills are also needed in addition to specialized knowledge of a particular field, like finance or technology.

Required Qualifications

  • Qualifications depend on the sector but a bachelor's degree or college diploma is usually required
  • Certification by a provincial consulting association may also be needed

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