New Left Review I/10, July-August 1961


Talking to N.F Simpson

N. F.Simpson was born in 1919, which makes him somewhat older than most of the playwrights who came on the scene at about the same time as he did. In fact, he turned to playwriting only in 1956—just before the announcements of the Observer Competition, in which his play A Resounding Tinkle was to share third prize. His plays have often been compared with those of the “absurd” playwrights, Ionesco, Beckett and Harold Pinter. He does not like critics—“They are people who have spent the best years of their lives seeing far too many plays.” Neither does he like being interviewed—“Definitive and seemingly lucid answers are a snare and a delusion.”

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N. F. Simpson, ‘Talking to N.F. Simpson’, NLR I/10: £3

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