Finding a place to rent is like finding a job. You have to stand out from the crowd and make a good and lasting impression on the landlord.

Remember that if the landlord had taken great pains to maintain his property and is keeping it clean for future tenants, he will want to know that those potential tenants will in turn, take care of his investment.

Therefore, first impressions count.

In this article, we’re going to list out a series of things you can do to be viewed more favourably by the landlord.

1. Dress well: 
Obviously you don’t have to turn up in a suit but avoid looking like you’re on the way to the market. Groom yourself to look presentable. Imagine you’re going out on a first date and use that as a guide. Guys can wear jeans, a clean shirt or a collared t-shirt while women can wear a blouse, dress or slacks with a buttoned down shirt. Avoid dressing up like if you were going to a club though.

2. On time: 
Lateness will dock you many points. Be on time or better yet, be a few minutes early for the interview. It’s alright for you to wait for the landlord but it won’t reflect well on you if the landlord has to wait. If the landlord is earlier than you, it’s okay as long as you arrive on time. If you think you will be late for whatever reason (traffic etc.), call the landlord and inform them. Remember that you may be just one out of several potential tenants he’ll be interviewing. Respect the landlord’s time and you’ll be on the way to making a good impression.

3. Pets: 
Some landlords will add a ‘no pets’ clause in the contract. This could be due to a variety of reasons. If you have a pet, inform the landlord and suggest having the landlord meet your pet. This will give the landlord the chance to access if your pet is well behaved and won’t pose a danger to his investment.

4. Rental history: 
If you’ve rented before, that history will act either to your benefit or detriment. Landlords will want to contact your previous landlords to find out if you’ve paid your rent on time, if you were evicted or caused any problems. It is important that you maintain good history throughout.

5. Credit score:
Not every landlord will request for this but be prepared for it nonetheless. Your credit score will either enhance your rental history or substitute it. The only way the landlord can make a fair judgement on you is by studying your credit history so come prepared.

6. Affordability: 
Respecting the landlord’s time involves more than just punctuality. When you show interest in a property, make sure you can afford it before you ask to see it. It’s bad taste to meet the landlord, show interest in the property and inform him you can’t afford it. Shopping for properties is fine but window shopping properties with someone else’s time on the line is not.

7. Cash:
Monthly rent payment can and should be done via bank transfers. Doing so allows you to always track and prove that you’ve made regular payment. However, deposits and other small fees can be made in cash. It’s convenient for the landlord and it will show that your interest in the property is genuine. Besides, most of these fees are refundable. Just make sure you clearly define the parameters that would cause a deposit to be withheld.

Just following these steps won’t guarantee that the landlord will pick you over others but it will certainly increase your odds of success.

How a landlord decides on his tenant can be attributed to many things – how he feels around you, his gut instinct and so forth.

Just like how you can’t expect to impress every job interviewer, the same applies here.

Besides, if one landlord chooses someone else over you, you might get lucky with the next apartment so follow these steps and don’t give up.

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