New Left Review I/16, July-August 1962

Roy Shaw

The Pilkington Puzzle

The puzzle about Pilkington is not so much that it has been violently criticised, as that it has been so crudely misunderstood.

The wild denunciations of the national press, particularly those papers with a stake in commercial television, should have surprised no-one. (Even so, it was dismaying to see the Herald’s handling of the Lords’ debate. Whilst almost every other newspaper, including the tory Telegraph headlined Hailsham’s “stern warning” to television programme companies that their profits were too high, the Herald’s headline merely said “Hailsham says Pilkington went too far”, and this “Labour” paper played down the profits warning).

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Roy Shaw, ‘The Pilkington Puzzle’, NLR I/16: £3

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