Donald Trump taps China hawk Peter Navarro as trade adviser

Peter Navarro has written The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won, and Crouching Tiger: ...
Peter Navarro has written The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won, and Crouching Tiger: What China's Militarism Means for the World.

Donald Trump has selected the hawkish author of anti-China books, such as Death by China, to head a new White House national trade council to advise the President-elect on trade and industrial policy.

Peter Navarro has been an outspoken critic of Beijing on trade and security issues. He was an influential campaign adviser to Mr Trump on taking a hardline stance against the world's second largest economy during the election.

The Harvard-educated economics professor has also written The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won, and Crouching Tiger: What China's Militarism Means for the World.

Last week Mr Trump ruffled China's leaders by questioning the 46-year One China policy on Taiwan and threatening to use it as a bargaining chip to get a better deal on international trade and security issues in the South China Sea.

Donald Trump's Twitter diplomacy has injected new uncertainty into the global order.
Donald Trump's Twitter diplomacy has injected new uncertainty into the global order. AP

Mr Navarro has advocated US cabinet-level visits to Taiwan and for America to stop bowing to Beijing's One China policy.

The University of California economics and public policy professor has assailed China's economic model for costing millions of American manufacturing jobs and taken issue with state-backed hackers stealing valuable US intellectual property.

He has also criticised the orthodox economic acceptance of free trade.

"I read one of Peter's books on America's trade problems years ago and was impressed by the clarity of his arguments and thoroughness of his research," Mr Trump said in a statement on Wednesday in the US.

"He has presciently documented the harms inflicted by globalism on American workers, and laid out a path forward to restore our middle class.

The Trump transition team said the National Trade Council will work with the National Security Council, the National Economic Council, and the Domestic Policy Council to fulfil the President-elect's vision of "peace and prosperity through military and economic strength".

Mr Trump was swept to power by winning industrial states such as Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and promising to restore manufacturing jobs.

The newly created council inside the White House is unusual because usually US Trade Representative's office is the main appointee responsible for trade. Mr Trump has signalled that billionaire industrialist and Commerce secretary nominee, Wilbur Ross, will also help formulate trade policy.

The appointments of the trade protectionists and pro-manufacturing advisers signals that Mr Trump is serious about renegotiating trade deals and might make good on his campaign threat to hit China with 45 per cent tariffs.

In an October opinion article in The Wall Street Journal Mr Navarro and Mr Ross co-wrote that China's 2001 entry into the World Trade Organization was one of the three "worst trade deals in US history" alongside the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada, and the 2012 trade pact with South Korea.

"The Clinton team is primed to pass the worst deal yet—the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would decimate the American manufacturing base," the pair wrote.

Mr Trump announced last month he would officially withdraw from the 12-country TPP.

Mr Navarro is a "visionary economist" who will develop trade policies that "shrink our trade deficit, expand our growth, and help stop the exodus of jobs from our shores", the Trump team statement said.The National Trade Council will advise the next president on innovative strategies in trade negotiations, coordinate with other agencies to assess US manufacturing capabilities and the defense industrial base, and help match unemployed American workers with new opportunities in the skilled manufacturing sector.

"The National Trade Council will also lead the Buy America, Hire America program to ensure the President-elect's promise is fulfilled in government procurement and projects ranging from infrastructure to national defense."