New Left Review I/34, November-December 1965

James Petras

Brazil since the Coup

It is 18 months since the Brazilian military seized power. Since the military coup, at least seven of the twenty-three elected governors have been removed from office. All of the popularly elected governors, including the moderate conservatives, who have been ousted have been replaced by military men loyal to the dictatorship. Primarily the ultraright supporters of the udn(União Democratica Nacional) hold office. While the left-wing governors were jailed, the conservative and liberal office-holders were stripped of their political rights. In some cases governors who were just as conservative in their social and economic views as the military, and even originally sympathized with the military, have been removed simply to stress the military’s role and power in the government. Civilian rule has been replaced by the military to a degree beyond anything Brazilians have yet experienced.

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James Petras, ‘Brazil since the Coup’, NLR I/34: £3

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