Where Is John Wick 2? Australia Demands Answers

John Wick 2 premieres internationally in one week. But the film hasn't been classified in Australia, and none of the major cinema chains have a set screening date for it. So what's happening?

We got in touch with all of Australia's major cinema chains across the country to ask what was going on, and we were told that "the distributors locally have made no announcement" — so there's no film for the cinemas to actually book into their schedules.

The Australian arm of film distribution company Entertainment One, which has the rights to release John Wick 2 internationally and is handling promotion for the film, told Gizmodo that there's "no update yet" on a local screening date.

John Wick 2 is not in Entertainment One's just-released release schedule for February, either, so we can say for sure that it's not going to pop up out of nowhere in the next week in line with its US debut — as much as we would love that to be the case.

It also hasn't been classified by Australia's Classification Board, and it appears that it hasn't been submitted for review in the first place; the Board didn't respond to a request for comment by the time of publication. We're probably in for a longer wait than we'd like to see John Wick 2 in Australian cinemas, if we see it at all.

Australia was the third largest foreign market for box office takings for the original John Wick, pulling in $US2.69 million and contributing a fair chunk of its nearly $US43 million foreign box office. It also proved more popular after its cinematic release in online streaming, too — so it makes sense for the second movie to be released here.

What happened, Entertainment One? We were professionals. Civilised.

To make things better until we know more, here is a picture of a cute dog.


    Maybe it's krap and they don't intend to release it at cinemas here at all? It happens.

      It was the 77th highest grossing film of the year (oddly in AU and US) and considering some of the rubbish that made a lot more revenue it can't really be classified as a hit for cinemas. So with no mass demand for a sequel and as you the say the possibility that it may be rubbish, I'm not surprised either.

    It's idiotic. The first film was a hit here and releasing the sequel late or not at all is just actively avoiding good money. The film will now just be pirated like crazy.

    eONe has never been the best Aussie distributor... They screwed up La La Land initially, and now are probably up to their necks in just managing that since the Oscar nominations, that they wont' have time to do anything else.

      La La Land has made $15mil at the box office... so far. Maybe they’re too busy counting all their money to release John Wick 2?

    So I guess that means everyone will download it before it's shown on the big screen. Thank you for fuelling the need to download illegally

    Quick everybody.......TO THE TORRENT MACHINE!!

    Last edited 02/02/17 3:46 pm

    Inb4 Entertainment one cries wondering why people pirated john wick 2 so much in Australia

    If Keanu Reeves is great at two things, they're a) not speaking much in movies, and b) pointing guns at other actors.

    John Wick was a great "revenge for killing my dog" story, I'm looking forward to part 2, which I now guess that i'll be watching on Putlocker, or Popcorn Time...

    This and Lego Batman will be interesting tests regarding piracy. If they can identify how many Aussies are downloading, versus something (for arguments sake, Logan) with a matched release date, its data on whether parallel releases reduce piracy or not.

    I dont think thats an intention of a late or no release, but it could be something to look at.

    Meanwhile, I havent gotten around to watching the first one yet, its highly unlikely I'll have any interest in this one either. Is it on Netflix?

      Not on netflix au.

      It is worth making the effort to watch though.

    *sees puppy picture* Too soon!

    And this basically sucks, the first was great, and I don't really want to watch a low quality rip but might have to ;(

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