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Konrad Yakabuski


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At Bombardier, ownership is a relative term

The outrage over Bombardier’s decision to increase the pay packages of top executives illustrates that even Quebeckers have now come to see the transportation giant as a ward of the state

Apr 03, 2017

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Columnist Konrad Yakabuski writes on politics, policy and business for The Globe and Mail’s Comment section and Report on Business. He was a 2014 National Newspaper Award finalist in the column writing category.

Konrad previously worked as The Globe's chief U.S. political writer, based in Washington, covering all aspects of the American political scene up to and including the 2012 presidential election campaign.

Prior to joining the Washington bureau in 2009, he was based in The Globe's Montreal bureau and wrote on Quebec business, politics and culture for more than a decade. Before that, he worked as a political reporter at Le Devoir. He began his journalism career at the Toronto Star.

Konrad holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from McGill University and a Master of Science in Business Administration degree from the University of British Columbia.



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