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Raid in Yemen: Risky From the Start and Costly in the End

  • One American soldier was killed and three others were wounded in the raid on the home of a senior Qaeda collaborator, and there are allegations that several civilians were killed.
  • While President Trump said it was an overall success because of recovered intelligence, the planning of the raid, under President Barack Obama, and the approval by Mr. Trump have fallen under scrutiny.

Trump Call With Australia’s Leader Said to Grow Testy

Saturday’s call between Mr. Trump and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull turned contentious after the Australian leader pressed Mr. Trump to accept 1,250 refugees under a deal brokered by the Obama administration.

President Trump with his national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, center, and his top strategist, Stephen K. Bannon Credit Al Drago/The New York Times

Making Policy, With a Dark View of Islam

A vision of Islam as inherently hostile has long flourished on the far right. Now Mr. Trump and his top aides have pushed it to the center of American decision-making on security and law.


What Choices Would You Make on Climate Policy?

Mr. Trump and his cabinet have sent mixed signals on some big environmental decisions they face. Take this quiz and see where the different possible choices lead.

Trump Takes Hair-Growth Drug, His Doctor Says

Dr. Harold N. Bornstein granted the interview after The New York Times asked him to discuss his past and possible future role in Mr. Trump’s care.

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The Parachute Generation

To help their children get into American universities, Chinese parents have started sending them to U.S. high schools — and paying top dollar to do it.


Will You Graduate? Ask Big Data

Colleges are turning to predictive analytics to pinpoint hotspots for failure — say, a C in English comp, a B in a foundational course in your major.

California Today

The news and stories that matter to Californians (and anyone else interested in the state). Sign up to get it by email.

36 Hours in Marrakesh

In Morocco’s “Jewel of the South,” the streets and bazaars spill over with artistry, whether it be in architecture, cuisine, crafts or fine art.

Ruthless, Superrich and Scot-Free

Sheelah Kolhatkar’s book “Black Edge” examines the hedge fund magnate Steven A. Cohen, who unlike some of his employees eluded prosecutors.


White House Inc.

Congress shouldn’t stand by as the most powerful office in the world is reduced to a marketing scheme.


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