Erin O'Toole
Erin O'Toole is the Member of Parliament for Durham (Ontario) and the Public Safety Critic for the Conservative Party of Canada. He was first elected in a 2012 by-election and re-elected in 2015. He previously served as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Trade and in cabinet as Minister of Veterans Affairs.

Mr. O’Toole brings a unique set of experiences to his role in Parliament. A graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada, he served twelve years in the Canadian Armed Forces flying on the Sea King helicopter as a tactical navigator in support of Royal Canadian Navy operations in Canada and abroad. He transferred to the reserves and attended law school at Dalhousie University, following which, he worked as a corporate lawyer in Toronto at two national law firms and as in-house counsel for a large consumer goods company and the largest private sector employer in Eastern Ontario.

After he left the military and began his corporate career, Mr. O’Toole also devoted a large portion of his time to causes he was passionate about. He was a founder of the True Patriot Love Foundation, which has raised awareness and significant funds for programs supporting members of the military, veterans and their families. He was also a director of the Vimy Foundation and the Churchill Society, which promoted public awareness and debate about our parliamentary democracy. A Rotarian and member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Erin has been proud to lead and follow on a series of charitable and other projects to help build his community and country. He lives in Courtice, Ontario, with his wife Rebecca and their two children.

Entries by Erin O'Toole

Ours Can Be The Political Generation That Silences Intolerance

(35) Comments | Posted January 31, 2017 | 6:15 PM

Not long after I was elected to Parliament, I attended the unveiling of a commemorative plaque acknowledging the internment of Ukrainian Canadians during the First World War. Despite coming to Canada to help build our country, they were considered to be "enemy aliens" and thousands were interned in camps across...

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We Must All Work To Eliminate The Stigma Around Mental Illness

(13) Comments | Posted January 25, 2017 | 10:40 AM

Like many Canadians, I have been following the promotion of the Bell Let's Talk campaign in lead up to today. Let's Talk is an innovative public service campaign that has created a meaningful conversation about mental health. Like I do each year, I was planning to do some...

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Electoral Reform Could Come At The Cost Of Our National Unity

(44) Comments | Posted August 30, 2016 | 10:29 AM

In my final blog on electoral reform I will share my most serious concern with a move away from our long standing electoral system. In previous blogs I highlighted that this electoral reform exercise was a solution in search of a problem and how the limited debate and...

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Liberals' Electoral Reform Debate Denies Canadians Their Say

(176) Comments | Posted August 15, 2016 | 6:27 PM

The term "gerrymandering" is rooted in the 1812 state elections in Massachusetts when Governor Elbridge Gerry tried to manipulate the outcome by redrawing electoral district boundaries to give his party an unfair advantage.

The new borders were not drawn using any discernible logic based on counties, population or geography,...

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The Liberals Are Mistaken About Electoral Reform In Canada

(257) Comments | Posted August 5, 2016 | 10:02 AM

This will be my first of three blogs outlining the troubling exercise being conducted by the Trudeau government under the guise of "electoral reform."

After watching this issue unfold in Ottawa, I firmly believe that this exercise is motivated by calculated political advantage...

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'Big Society' Doesn't Wait For Government To Make Positive Change

(1) Comments | Posted July 18, 2016 | 5:09 PM

The last week saw the transition of power in Great Britain, as the office of prime minister passed from David Cameron to Theresa May. Cameron dutifully and appropriately resigned after leading the unsuccessful Remain campaign during the referendum on the U.K.'s membership in the European Union. I always liked David...

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How Canada Can Foster Innovation In The Global Economy

(0) Comments | Posted July 8, 2016 | 2:35 PM

I write this column in the shadow of Canada Day, a time when politicians like me remind Canadians that we live in the greatest country in the world. Our country is great because Canada provides tremendous freedom and opportunity for people to grow pursue their dreams. Dreams are achieved through a...

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Why We Should Leave Canada's National Anthem Alone

(536) Comments | Posted June 10, 2016 | 5:06 PM

One generation plants the trees, so that another will get the shade. The simple wisdom of this Chinese proverb perfectly describes the inheritance one generation accepts from those who came before. The Canada we enjoy today was forged by the men and women who came before us. Our connection to...

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Passion In Parliament Should Never Lead To Misconduct

(48) Comments | Posted May 23, 2016 | 10:15 AM

In the first year of law school I remember learning one of the most well-known axioms about the law. "The Law," Aristotle once said, "is reason devoid of passion." That might be the case for the laws of the land once they are codified and in force, but it is...

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The World Needs More Canada

(37) Comments | Posted February 9, 2016 | 5:37 PM

"Canada has a good the world, but let's make no mistake about it: Canada does not have a history as a pacifist or a neutralist country. Canada has soldiers who are buried all over Europe because we fought in defence of liberty."

This quote by former Liberal deputy prime...

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Trudeau Shows Worrying Disregard For Canada's Economic Diversity

(198) Comments | Posted January 28, 2016 | 5:38 PM

The diversity of the Canadian economy is a critical part of our economic success as a nation and this diversity is particularly important when the global economy slows. We saw this during the 2008-09 global recession, and we are witnessing this now amid a major drop in global commodity prices....

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Excessive Spending Will Not Lead To Sunny Ways

(184) Comments | Posted December 15, 2015 | 5:10 PM

There has been much talk in the election and the time since then about Prime Minister Trudeau's desire to emulate the "sunny ways" approach of Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier. Laurier's sunny ways philosophy is often attributed to his approach to the challenges of linguistic and religious differences facing a young...

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Back? Canada Never Left

(464) Comments | Posted November 27, 2015 | 5:33 PM

The 2015 election featured a wide-ranging debate on a number of issues facing Canada and our role in the world and while I am disappointed in the final result I was happy to see an incredibly smooth transition of power. The will of the people gets expressed in an election...

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Stephen Harper's Conservatives Have Made Veterans a Priority

(349) Comments | Posted September 15, 2015 | 1:49 PM

The Toronto Star published an op-ed by Tom Beaver and Ron Clarke, the leaders of the so-called Anybody But Conservative (or "ABC Veterans") Facebook, on Aug. 31, 2015.

On Sept. 2, 2015, I respectfully asked for equal space and submitted the following op-ed in response. Nearly two weeks...

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This 90-Year-Old Veteran Deserves to Be Heard

(27) Comments | Posted May 1, 2015 | 9:44 AM

This week many Canadians young and old have been upset by news that 90-year-old veteran, Art Boon, was not permitted to have his son serve as a caregiver travel companion for the 70th Anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands. The Avon Maitland District School Board would not grant the...

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No Veterans Should Have to Repeatedly Prove They've Lost Limbs

(88) Comments | Posted February 6, 2015 | 5:56 PM

I would like to thank Paul Franklin for his blog post and sharing his personal story with Canadians, including frustrations related to access to service and benefits from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC).

Paul is an outstanding Canadian and an inspirational veteran. His participation in the Soldier ON...

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