Danielle Martin
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Dr. Danielle Martin is a family physician and the board chair of Canadian Doctors for Medicare. She is clinical staff at Women's College Hospital and lecturer in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. She served on the Health Council of Canada from 2005-2011.

Dr. Martin is an active student of public policy, serving on the Advisory Board of the Mowat Centre for Policy Innovation and enrolled in the Master of Public Policy program at the School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto. Dr. Martin has been recognized for contributions to improving Canadian health care. In 2005, she received the Canadian Medical Association Award for Young Leaders; in 2006, the Ontario College of Family Physicians named her one of three New Family Doctors of the Year.

Dr. Martin helped launch Canadian Doctors for Medicare in May 2006, as the voice for Canadian physicians who believe in "a high quality, equitable, sustainable health system built on the best available evidence as the highest expression of Canadians caring for one another."

Entries by Danielle Martin

We Should Applaud Ontario's Plans To Pilot A Basic Income Guarantee

(4) Comments | Posted March 4, 2016 | 10:34 AM

The Basic Income Guarantee is having a moment.

Hot on the heels of Quebec's plans to work towards a basic income guarantee and a Globe and Mail Editorial Board endorsement came an announcement last Thursday of a pilot as part of Ontario's provincial budget....

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Proposed User Fees for Health Services in Quebec Threaten Canadian Health Care

(1) Comments | Posted October 21, 2015 | 12:28 PM

With the recent federal election grabbing the majority of the headlines, a significant threat to Canada's most treasured national program has been going largely unnoticed.

For many years, certain physicians and clinics have quietly been charging extra fees for health services. In some provinces, the...

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Basic Income Is Just What the Doctor Ordered

(39) Comments | Posted September 8, 2015 | 12:48 PM

What makes people sick? Infectious agents like bacteria and viruses and personal factors like smoking, eating poorly and living a sedentary lifestyle.

But none of these compares to the way that poverty makes us sick. Prescribing medications and lifestyle changes for our patients who suffer from income deficiency isn't enough;...

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Universal Canadian Drug Coverage Is Good for Business

(0) Comments | Posted April 23, 2015 | 12:59 PM

Repeatedly over the past 50 years, national commissions and inquiries have recommended that Canadian medicare include universal, public coverage of prescription drugs. So far, no government has acted on this, creating profound inequities and inefficiencies in our health care system. But more than that: the lack of universal pharmacare is...

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It's Okay to Fail in Healthcare As Long As We Learn From Our Mistakes

(0) Comments | Posted March 5, 2015 | 3:00 PM

Forty is the new thirty. Orange is the new black. And failure is the new success.

It seems these days that no success story is complete without a failure (or two) along the way: the bankruptcy that gave birth to a successful company; the entrepreneur who lost it all just...

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Canada Needs a National Standard for Drug Coverage, Not a Patchwork System

(3) Comments | Posted October 1, 2014 | 5:28 PM

This week, Health Ministers from across Canada will gather in Banff to discuss issues of common interest and explore opportunities to work together. Pharmacare - a program that would see all prescription drug costs covered through a publicly funded system instead of out-of-pocket -- will almost certainly be...

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Harper Hacks Down Our Medicare

(7) Comments | Posted July 18, 2012 | 4:26 PM

Canadians can feel it -- something's not right in our country when it comes to health care. We know our public system is fundamentally sound, but we also know that there is much work to be done to improve it and ensure it's as sustainable as we want it to...

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