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Andrew Tumilty

Political consultant with the Daisy Group. 

Born and raised in Toronto, Andrew is a political consultant with the Daisy Group in Toronto, working in public and government relations.

A campaign veteran, Andrew has worked on elections for all three levels of government. He has written and managed social media and communications for local candidates, and national teams.

Andrew is a husband and father, an upper and lower case liberal, and a loyal defender of the Leafs and other lost causes.
The Washington Post via Getty Images

How Canadians Can Resist Trump

Canadians cannot support dissent against Trump without supporting dissent here, especially when it makes you uncomfortable. If Black Lives Matter or Idle No More, leave you feeling defensive, ask yourself why? Seek out voices from underrepresented communities and listen to what they have to say. By encouraging people to speak out against our own injustices, we show resistance to a president who ignores injustice.
01/31/2017 08:28 EST
Mark Blinch / Reuters

It's Time For Kathleen Wynne To Consider Stepping Aside

Some decisions in politics are easy. It is not hard to oppose Trump and every vile thing he stands for. In general though political decisions are not often so clear cut. In 2017 -- sooner rather than later -- Premier Kathleen Wynne will have such a decision to make about her future, and in fact the future of the province.
01/23/2017 03:43 EST