Kal Penn Was Told He 'Doesn't Belong' In U.S. And His Response Was Perfection

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Kal Penn may be well-known for his comedic role in "Harold and Kumar," but when it comes to politics, the actor isn't joking around.

On Saturday, Penn tweeted out a screenshot of a hateful comment he received on his Instagram page, in which a user insinuated he didn't "belong" in the U.S.

But rather than taking the nasty comment to heart, Penn instead flipped the script and started a fund for Syrian refugees.

"We are better than the hateful people who tell us we don't belong in our own country, that America can't be a beacon of freedom and hope for refugees from around the world," the Crowdrise page description reads. "We will turn their bigotry, along with the President's, into love."

So far, the 39-year-old has raised more than US$780,000, but surely this number will continue to grow.

There has been an overwhelming amount of support for Penn's initiative, with many of his followers on both Instagram and Twitter praising the political activist for his proactive work.

"My family and I are immigrants (Gujus like you)," one 'gram user shared. "Thank you for standing up for what is right."

"Now this is how you respond. Well done my fellow humans!!" said another.

As the son of Indian-born parents who later moved to the U.S., the New Jersey native is no stranger to the immigration conversation. And this isn't his first time putting his money where his mouth is for the cause.

Earlier this month, Penn donated US$25,000 to a Palestinian refugee camp after winning "Celebrity Masterchef."

You're the best, Kal!

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