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LONDON BOOKS is an independent publisher which aims to bring old and new fiction together in a tradition that is original in its subject matter, style and social concerns. We believe that the marginalised fiction of the past can be as relevant and exciting today as when it was first published, and our classic reprints will reflect the language and politics of tougher eras, while our new fiction will focus on emerging writers with something to say and a novel way of getting their messages across.

Speakers Corner

Stranger Than Fiction
by John King

It is common now for our politicians and media to refer to the European Union as ‘Europe’, anyone who dares criticise the EU instantly branded a right-wing bigot, left-wing crank, middle-of-the-road Little Englander. The insults cover every angle and come out of the playground. We are told that to be anti-EU is to be anti-European, but this is nonsense. MORE>>

Dirty Vicar Save The Bridge, by John King
Everything about the build-up to the Chelsea Pitch Owners’ meeting felt rotten – the rushed response to the club’s attempt to buy the shares and remove the influence of the CPO; the out-of-date list of shareholders; the sales of block-votes in the lead up to the meeting MORE>>
Dirty Vicar Dirty Vicar, by Martin Knight
Who was the original dirty vicar? Over the years a stream of cases have found their way into the Sunday tabloids detailing the ‘lurid’activities of country vicars cavorting with married, hymn-singing parishioners and the associated fall-out. MORE>>
Postman The Singing Postman,
by Martin Knight
On the Richter Scale of Rock ‘n’ Roll casualties, Allan Smethurst barely registers. In fact his name, Allan Smethurst, barely registers at all but as the Singing Postman he found national fame for slightly longer than Andy Warhol’s allotted fifteen minutes and at the same time became a local hero to celebrity starved Norfolk from where he originally hailed. MORE>>
Best Blessed... and Cursed,
by Martin Knight

I wouldn’t mind betting that George Best holds the distinction of being the person that people have wanted to be at some time in their lives more than any other. There was a time when millions of schoolboys the world over wished they were Georgie – Georgie – Georgie – Best. MORE>>
England England Calling, by John King
Peter Osgood was the king of Stamford Bridge. At his peak, he was also the king of English football. Nobody could compare. The likes of Alan Hudson, Tony Currie, Stan Bowles, Rodney Marsh, Duncan McKenzie and Charlie George were all gifted English talents, free spirits who played for fun, chipping at the blood-and-sweat dogma of the old order, but Peter Osgood was different. MORE>>




Prelude To A Certain Midnight
Gerald Kersh

Mord Em’ly
William Pett Ridge