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New Left Review 76, July-August 2012

josé carlos avellar


At almost the same time as Pablo Picasso was painting Guernica, in May and June of 1937, Sergei Eisenstein was starting work on Alexander Nevsky, in June and July 1937; and in September of that year, José Clemente Orozco began his mural La Conquista de México. [1] A longer version of this text appeared in Revista Serrote, no. 8, July 2011. All three works were commissioned by the state. Orozco was responding to an invitation from the Governor of Jalisco state to produce murals for the university, the governor’s palace and the Hospicio Cabañas in Guadalajara. A patriotic theme had been suggested to Eisenstein by the State Institute for Cinematography in Moscow. Picasso received an invitation from the Spanish government to produce a special work for the country’s pavilion at the International Exposition in Paris.

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José Carlos Avellar, ‘The Three-Headed Horse’, NLR 76: £3

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