New Left Review I/193, May-June 1992

Lynell George

Waiting for the Rainbow Sign

By midnight, no one phoning long-distance bothers with hello. Instead, they just ask, ‘Is it as crazy as it looks?’ I want to say, ‘It started long before all this . . .’ Long before this afternoon’s bewildering decision left me less astonished than strangely numb. Long before George Holliday ran tape capturing Rodney G. King’s struggle and submission. Long before Latasha Harlins, Eulia Love and Marquette Frye became cautionary symbols. Long before Watts shouted its existence into the sky in ’65, sending up searchlights in the form of flames. [*] This article was first published in laWeekly, 8–14 May 1992.

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Lynell George, ‘Waiting for the Rainbow Sign’, NLR I/193: £3

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