New Left Review I/203, January-February 1994

G.A. Cohen

Amartya Sen’s Unequal World

This short work exhibits (often, perforce, only in fleeting cameo) the current state of Amartya Sen’s decades-long engagement with problems of equality and its absence. The book provides not only an exhilarating tour d’horizon of ideas developed at greater ease elsewhere, but also fresh nuances that are designed to accommodate and deflect some of the extensive criticism and comment which Sen’s magnetic work has attracted. [*] Amartya Sen, Inequality Reexamined (henceforth ie), Clarendon Press, Oxford 1992, £19.95. All page references are to this book.

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G. A. Cohen, ‘Amartya Sen's Unequal World’, NLR I/203: £3

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