Kid's hilarious response to homework is all sass

This Year Three student has no time for homework.
This Year Three student has no time for homework.  Photo: Reddit/starknolonger

The school year has begun and with it the dreaded afternoon battles over homework. 

Good times.

Well, one Year Three student decided to show their teacher exactly what they thought of their assigned The Boy Who Cried Wolf task.

And their hilariously succinct response is all sass ...

A Reddit user posted a copy of the homework sheet remarking that the student: "Has a bad case of the Mondays."

Nailed it.

As one commenter noted: "All substance. No fluff. Admiration."

"Brevity is the soul of wit," added another.

Others Redditors wondered what the student's "Reader's Digest" approach to other classics might look like.

Waiting for Godot,  for example:

First, no Godot.

Then, no Godot.

Then, no Godot.

Then, no Godot.

Or, Sleeping Beauty:

First, asleep

Then, asleep

Then, hot prince

Then, awake.

As one Reddit user observed, "This kid has life figured out already."

And look, we're inclined to agree ...
