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    . and I tough it out on tonight at 7 ET. "Who is more macho?"

  3. this woman's harsh speech was sadly a lie abt HRC &was clearly put up 2that. Very awful despicable Trump.

  4. History is viewed as a belief system to the ignorant. BTW, what do mean by sub?

  5. I think the Hemingway Rule is in effect: Social conservatives should defend Pence as staunchly as he defended religious liberty.

  6. Maher wants us to be serious about voting in November! We don't want this:

  7. Wish Bill Maher would go on Andrea Mitchell and make her cry into retirement.

  8. Bill nailed it GOP brouhaha is about issues that don't affect ppl lives Benghazi , email , bathroom, voter fraud Issues not real

  9. Chris I don't think "emails" are a problem at all. I did for a minute until I knew the facts. She's 100% better then Trump.

  10. One thing is certain, acquired the same ego that Trump owns through this whole campaign, what a narcissist!

  11. I Can't watch anymore especially when he cuts away to a trump rally STOP ALREADY!!! Pls stop Chris

  12. With all our problems , America got it right twice with Obama. We were graced with this extraordinary man as our President !

  13. Hey . Trump still hasn't filed with FEC regarding forgiving his loan. You going to do your job & ask why?

  14. Why are cops terrified when they approach a car? We are drowning in guns and the NRA exploits hate and fear to drive sales.

  15. Nina Turner is a lady without a Party. Her big mouth burned all the bridges.

  16. Just say Hillary won fair and square, . It's. Not. That. Hard.

  17. Nina Turner...so smug, sanctimonious and self righteous. Just not feeling her. Still pushing the negative narrative.

  18. Donald Trump's Choice For VP HONEY BOO BOO! Going For Women's Vote. Fits With The Education Demographics.

  19. When America hates diversity America hates America. No one represents that self hate to the world better than Donald .

  20. Over two terms, Barack Obama entire agenda has been to apologize, demean, divide and WEAKEN America!

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