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John Brosnan Jan 30
If democrats went after Trump even half as relentlessly as republicans went after Obama, we might get out of this mess.
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(((Political Nerd))) Jan 30
I seem to remember warning us that Orange Hitler would behave this way.
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Hardball Feb 2
"It's pretty hard to screw up U.S/Australia relations."
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Hardball Feb 2
"You can't get more dangerous than this, the idea that dissent isn't allowed in democracy."
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Hardball Jan 30
"Pay attention to the quiet Republicans ... they're not saying much at the moment and it tells you a lot."
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Conservative Thinker Feb 2
LIBS are becoming progressively more VIOLENT &completely intolerant daily. Thank God Conservatives continue 2 B rational
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#202-225-3121 📎 Feb 2
Two lawsuits ruled against you in 24hrs; what's happening ? Oh that's right, you're LOSING!
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Kambree Kawahine Koa Feb 2
This will change some lib minds! IF Trump holds FED $ from CALI/SancCities, guess who doesnt get paid? THESE GUYS👇🏽
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Joe Morton Feb 2
Tonight’s is — that point of intense collision of Truths and Lies just before all hell breaks loose.
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Jumping Jack Flash Feb 2
why do people keep putting on decent TV? Let her talk to the rest of the sewer on
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Indivisible Moe Feb 2
Just watched give KellyAnn 19 minutes 2 filibuster! No follow ups or facts! He just let her lie! So disappointing
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Nataya Feb 2
The lies, propaganda and gaslighting of the American people from the office of the press secretary.... is a disgrace
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mike gallagher Feb 2
Overlooking Trump's personality disorders & hateful campaign yet voting for him b/c of his business sense, is totally daft.
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Hardball Feb 2
"I humbly request to the future leaders of the world: Remain vigilant, remain standing." Khizr Khan
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Caroline O. Feb 2
"Remain standing. Remain speaking. Your voice is being heard." -Khizr Khan on .
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Hardball Feb 2
"These men risked their lives for U.S. special operations for a decade, and this is how you treat them."
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Hardball Feb 2
"Because of this order, we feel alienated from the rest of the world." Khizr Khan
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Sanuuuuu! Feb 2
I think should get his own show! Let him tear into
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Hardball Feb 2
We know what we're for, and we know what we're against." on the
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Hardball Feb 2
"You can't just erect a wall around the United States and think that everything will be okay."
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