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  1. Tweet épinglé
    17 juil. 2016

    “To destroy a people you must first sever their roots.” — Alexander Solzhenitzyn

  2. il y a 7 heures

    The same governments and citizen groups that claim global warming the ultimate threat to our ecosystem.

    Ce Tweet est indisponible.
  3. il y a 7 heures

    Revolt against the modern world.

  4. il y a 9 heures

    “While Christianity had established a rule and order, the chief aim of that order was to give room for good things to run wild.” — G.K.C.

  5. il y a 9 heures

    Revolt against the modern world.

  6. il y a 9 heures

    Young lady in Russia, whose tumblr I admire.

  7. il y a 10 heures
  8. 28 déc. 2016

    Trying to explain the joy of kids to the childless is like explaing sex to an 8 y/o. All they get is the yuck factor

  9. il y a 10 heures
  10. 18 janv.

    from Remember - modernity insists upon no alternative. Defy it!

  11. 18 janv.

    “The greatest miracle is the fact that politicians are tolerated.” — G.K. Chesterton

  12. 18 janv.

    "Liberal system is the system of permanent disunion, permanent want of popular faith in any profound community of destiny." —Primo de Rivera

  13. 17 janv.

    “Modern philanthropy is an evil to society....” — Honoré de Balzac. “The Village Rector.”

  14. 17 janv.

    “the Holy Father has his gold, and I my flowers,—to each his own miracle” — Honoré de Balzac. “The Village Rector.”

  15. 17 janv.

    "Political correctness does not legislate tolerance; it only organizes hatred." — Jacques Barzun

  16. 17 janv.

    Each medieval occupation had its patron saints, feasts, and religious processions. We have a few office parties.

  17. Wrath Of Gnon s'est abonné et
    • @jordanbpeterson

      University of Toronto Professor of Psychology

    • @JohnRiversX9

      i just really like puppies

  18. 15 janv.

    On family and its role in society, two good pages from Balzac's "The Village Rector", set in the rural France of the 1810s.

  19. 14 janv.

    Saints and sinners have agency.

  20. 15 janv.

    Sir Walter Scott, from "The Lay of the Last Minstrel." This kind of thinking was what all people of a right mind used to hold as true.

  21. 15 janv.

    "Broadmindedness, when it means indifference to right and wrong, eventually ends in a hatred of what is right.” — Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

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