American Morning: “My Country Is Burning, Again.”

by Brett Stevens (February 2nd, 2017)
American Morning: “My Country Is Burning, Again.”

Americans woke up to find their country shattered by open political violence. Those who have some memory of history sigh and think, “It is happening… again.” In fact, it is not America that is burning. It is the West. Since we adopted democracy — a form of egalitarianism, the central idea of Leftism — our […]

Reddit Doubles Down On Censorship, Bans /r/altright For Undisclosed Reasons

by Brett Stevens (February 1st, 2017)
Reddit Doubles Down On Censorship, Bans /r/altright For Undisclosed Reasons

In response to a rising “populist” realist movement around the world, old media and new media alike are uniting to squeeze out those counter-narrative opinions. In the mainstream media, they call it fake news; on social media, apparently, they ban it for either no reason or for a false reason. Hamster hive echo chamber Reddit […]

Do Not Let Your Enemies Frame The Discourse

by Brett Stevens (February 1st, 2017)
Do Not Let Your Enemies Frame The Discourse

In any debate, the party making the first move has the advantage because they define the terms and assumptions that will be used in the debate. They do this by introducing them first and “framing” them, or orienting them toward a certain goal and imposing specific boundaries, which then forces others to react to those […]

Science Moving Toward Recognizing Human Biodiversity

by Brett Stevens (February 1st, 2017)
Science Moving Toward Recognizing Human Biodiversity

An article in Evolutionary Psychological Science signals that mainstream science is accepting Human Biological Diversity (HBD) including the ever-controversial subset of that field which recognizes that psychology is shaped by genetics like any other physical trait: Humans migrated out of Africa at least 50,000 years ago and occupied many different ecological and climatological niches. Because […]

What Is The Historical American Nation?

by Brett Stevens (February 1st, 2017)
What Is The Historical American Nation?

Around and around it goes, the neurotic circular debate where no one will admit the obvious historical truth. Over at VDARE, some clueless reader writes in to concern troll by asking questions to sew doubt about the obvious answers. Witness the confusion and passive aggression here: I’d love to know what exactly Peter Brimelow means […]

Formalism Will Rain Fire Upon ChiCongo And The Cuck Lügenpresse

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (February 1st, 2017)
Formalism Will Rain Fire Upon ChiCongo And The Cuck Lügenpresse

I think #PresidentTrump was entirely too gentle with Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of ChiCongo, Killinois. You see, he recently had the right idea cutting off Federal funding, but he leaves too much of it in place. According to The ChiCongo Tribune, Trump ordered Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly to work with incoming Attorney General Jeff Sessions […]

American Exceptionalism Died With The Cold War

by Brett Stevens (January 31st, 2017)
American Exceptionalism Died With The Cold War

From an extremely unreliable source published in an extremely untrustworthy newspaper, Aldrich Ames explains why the USA fell apart in the 1990s: There’s been quite a bit of debate inside and outside the C.I.A. — what’s the agency’s mission now that the cold war is over and the Soviets are gone? Everyone is pretending things […]

Theosis Is A Form Of Realism

by Brett Stevens (January 31st, 2017)
Theosis Is A Form Of Realism

As part of the Platonist vision of conservatism, articles on this site frequently speak of the vision unleashed by the intersection of Platonic forms and Germanic Idealism, namely that recognition that the underlying substance of the universe is thought or thought-like. This is why idea, structure, pattern and logic that corresponds to the outside world […]

School’s Out Because of Diversity

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (January 31st, 2017)
School’s Out Because of Diversity

So Barack Obama’s Department of Indoctrination (Oops Edumacayshun) spent $7 billion on troubled schools and the burning money released soot particles into the Troposphere. But let’s not be pointlessly partisan here. George W. Bush’s Leave No Child Behind Act ignited a similar currency bonfire for an analogous disgusting dung heap of fail. So the Democrats […]

Nationalism Rises As The “Proposition Nation” Fades Away

by Brett Stevens (January 30th, 2017)
Nationalism Rises As The “Proposition Nation” Fades Away

A recent article notes that we are in the midst of a sea change not between types of politics, but between politics and realism: It’s time we recognize that the party of Reagan was already dead — and that it died along with the threat of Soviet communism. Reaganism was…a worldview, in the truest sense […]