Daily Life

What I know about men...

Lea Salonga, Singer and actress, 45, married

My dad, Feliciano, a rear admiral, was an incredibly intelligent and well-spoken man. He had this aura about him when he walked into a room; heads turned and it was quite something. He was always well-dressed and confident. He died in January 2016 at 86. He had dementia. It was quite advanced; he could recall his days at the military academy but not what happened the day before.

He and my mum, Maria, weren't married. They had two children together; I have a brother, Gerard, who is a conductor. Mum never met another man after she and dad split, when I was about five. He had many ladies in his life after her and as a result there are many half-siblings. For the most part everybody turned out okay.

Dad and I used to go swimming and to the park when I was a child. He had a strong command of English and if my brother or I ever pronounced a word incorrectly he corrected us. He had a great posture and always stood tall. 

My brother is 2½ years younger than me. He was named after the patron saint of expectant mothers. I am very protective of him. He is an incredibly loving father to two kids. He demands excellence and will push you to be your best. Gerard is also like that with the orchestras he conducts, a perfectionist, and he will come to Australia to conduct my concerts. He is a sensitive and artistic human.

Mum was devoted to her children. Sometimes she was both mum and dad to us, and she will proudly say she was a single mum who had to do a lot on her own. I grew up in Angeles City in the Philippines and Mum moved us to Manila to continue my Montessori schooling from about six. 

I started working in theatre from the age of seven, in The King and I, so any money I made went toward our family. I was bread-winning from a young age. I did Miss Saigon in 1989 and was taking care of my family from that point on.


The first director I ever worked with was a woman, but Zenaida Amador demanded everyone call her sir. She was an old-school lesbian and was like a man in my mind. She was incredibly strict and demanded a lot from the people she was directing. She was loud and very generous with the knowledge she imparted. She wore button-down shirts with shorts and passed away from cancer at 71. I got to see her the day before she died. If I were to say she was a significant man in my life, she wouldn't mind. 

Other men who have inspired me are two Asian actors I performed alongside on Broadway in Allegiance. Telly Leung played my brother and Michael K. Lee was my romantic lead. To have Asian men taking the lead on Broadway doesn't happen often – it was an opportunity I couldn't afford to pass up. The show was made possible by George Takei. 

The men I work with in theatre all have a deep artistic connection that leads to their heart. They are passionate about what they do. My dad used to sing and so does my husband – it's nice to have an artistic outlet in life.

My first kiss was with a classmate at school. I was six and he was very cute. I feel absolutely no guilt, I was so young.

I wasn't a boy-crazy teenager. I was hosting TV shows at that age and was too busy to be interested in boys. I didn't have a boyfriend in my co-ed high school – they weren't interesting to me until I was much older.

As a teenager, I constantly had crushes, though. I loved Menudo, a Latin-American boy band that was popular in Manila. They were all lovely and incredibly handsome and I was asked to sing with them on a few occasions in the '80s. That was definitely a dream come true.


I didn't start dating until I was in my 20s. I always had a type: a corporate or financial-industry guy who wore a suit during the day. I always wanted to date somebody normal and not someone in my field of work. I dated an actor once; we are friends now, but it didn't work out. But I can say I've done it.

The man I married, Rob Chien, is managing director of an entertainment software company. We have been together since 2001 and married in 2004. We have one daughter, Nicole. 

My husband and I met while I was doing Flower Drum Song. He came to opening night because his cousin was a dancer in the show and it all went from there. Luckily, he loves watching theatre and has seen me in a lot of musicals, plays and concerts. 

I knew I would get married and have a child one day. Two kites can't get married because somebody needs to fly them. I need somebody grounded to keep me connected to earth. Rob is that for me. He didn't know the breadth of my career when we met and he doesn't compete with me. 

Lea Salonga performs at the Sydney Opera House on February 3 and 4, and at Arts Centre Melbourne on February 7 and 8.