
Ermonela Jaho's Violetta in La Traviata is fresh every night

Tonight Ermonela Jaho will walk on stage at the Sydney Opera House and meet her soulmate. She will fall in love, she will break hearts and – spoiler alert – she will die, all for the first time.

No matter that she has performed the role more than 200 times.

When she makes her Australian debut as Violetta in Verdi's La Traviata, she insists that it will be as new.

"We are not the same people every day. You change. Every day is a unique day, even in music."

The Albanian-born performer, recently acclaimed by The Economist as the world's "most acclaimed soprano", grew up under the communist regime of Enver Hoxha.

Her first experience of opera was at the age of 13 when she saw La Traviata sung in Albanian. It was that moment she knew she must sing Violetta.


She enrolled in a specialist music school in the capital, Tirana, where she was spotted by soprano Katia Ricciarelli, who invited her to study in Italy.

Once there, she realised if she wanted to succeed as an opera singer she could not go back.

Thirty years on, Jaho is, in her own words, living the dream. She's sung Violetta all over the world, and her fiery stage presence and Mediterranean looks have brought comparisons with Maria Callas.

As one critic says, "she does not sing or play Violetta, she is Violetta".

Sitting in the opera house staff canteen it's easy to believe the hype.

Despite the background haze of chatting and daytime TV, she lights up the room as she describes how it feels to be on stage.

"It is the first and last day of my life. It's like you fly. You go into other dimensions. Like where everything is pure, pure emotion ..."

But behind the starry-eyed exterior is a fiercely professional artist.

Witness her reaction when, in 2007, while living in New York, she got a call. The call. Violetta. London. Replacing Anna Nebtrenko.

"It wasn't sure that I was supposed to sing because my colleague, she didn't cancel yet, but they said 'be sure to be there.' I said 'Where?' They said 'Covent Garden.' In those moments you understand that if really you love what you're doing you'll be there."

She remembers waiting behind the curtain at the Royal Opera House, after a trans-Atlantic flight and three hours' rehearsal.

She heard the audience groan when it was announced Nebtrenko would not be appearing. Then, when it came to her first big aria, Sempre Libre, there was dead silence.

"I said to myself, 'This is your moment. Do you want to be a singer? Show it'."

She's been showing it ever since. A second Covent Garden appearance as Suor Angelica in 2011 cemented her place as the dramatic soprano of the moment, and she is now in demand for the title roles in Madama Butterfly, Manon Lescaut and Suor Angelica. 

Of her recent performance at London's Barbican, Tim Ashby writes in The Guardian: "Ermonela Jaho, eyes brimming with tears, registering every psychological shift with an extraordinary blaze of sound, was breathtaking in the title role. Frequently giving the impression of living rather than singing the music, Jaho established herself as one of the great verismo interpreters."

It's not so much the quality of her voice over which critics and audiences rave but the power of her performance, the way she throws her heart and soul into connecting with the character. It's something she takes very seriously.

"It has to be like that," she says. "Because the more believable you are, the more connection and more you resonate with the public. And the public come to see, to listen to an opera and they have to dream with you. It's not only the notes. The most beautiful voice in the world, perfect, after 10 minutes we need emotion. This is my philosophy."

Even if you are singing Violetta for the 240th time?

"Yes. I dream every time when I am on stage."

Ermonela Jaho appears as Violetta in Opera Australia's production of La Traviata, opening on Friday at the Sydney Opera House and until February 18.