
Rest review: Alex Soojung-Kim Pang's argument on the benefits of more leisure


Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less

Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

Penguin, $29.99

Review by Dianne Dempsey

It's good news week for workaholics. It's OK to chill, relax, or have a game of golf; in fact, the more time we spend resting, the more productive we become. A resident of Silicon Valley, scholar and futurist Alex Soojung-Kim Pang uses historical case studies as well as current research to validate what he calls this "intimate connection" between work and rest.


In his introduction, Pang tells us that "discoveries in sleep research, psychology, neuroscience, organisational behaviour, sports medicine, sociology and other fields have given us a wealth of insight into the unsung but critical role that rest plays in strengthening the brain, enhancing learning, enabling inspiration, and making innovation sustainable".

Pang makes good the point that our current workplace practices are retrograde and based on the notion that being stressed and overworked are a badge of honour. The eight-hour day, for example, has become a dimly remembered base line. In fact, Pang postulates that four hours a day is all that is required for maximum efficiency. Citing the examples of figures such as Charles Dickens and Churchill, Pang adds the proviso that those four hours of work are accompanied by what he describes as "deliberate rest". Paradoxically, deliberate rest, he says, is something that requires considerable work.

Deliberate rest works within a paradigm that consists of early rising, which allows us to take advantage of the first four hours of the working day. After that comes the business of restorative naps, vigorous exercise, holidays and sabbaticals and something Pang calls "deep play" – when we devote our leisure time to another interest such as sport or art or music.

Each aspect of the paradigm is supported by both anecdotal evidence as well as research such as the studies that have specifically looked at the effect of exercise on cognitive performance. The results of these studies consistently demonstrate that "exercise improves brain structure, just as it does the cardiovascular system and muscles".

While Pang's thesis is emminently attractive, it is still just that – an ideal model upon which to structure the workplace. He says his work/play model can be adapted to any job or workplace, whether you're a professional, a parent or a factory worker; however, Pang doesn't elaborate on just how this adaptation will be possible within our present social/ economic environment.

I particularly have a problem with the likelihood of parents being able to indulge in "deliberate rest". As everyone knows, rest times are very much determined by the babies, not the grown-ups.