New Left Review 92, March-April 2015

Adam Tooze


The current crisis may not have shattered the ossified shell of economic theory, but it has unleashed a cascade of arguments within the policy-making elite. [1] Barry Eichengreen, Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession and the Uses—and Misuses—of History, Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York 2015, £20, hardback 520 pp, 978 0 199 39200 1 The Bank for International Settlements and the imf are at odds. The Bundesbank is pitted against virtually every other major central bank in its dogged adherence to deflation. Larry Summers, Clinton’s Treasury Secretary and once a cheerleader of market liberalization, has announced that what we have been living through since the 1980s is a steady slide into secular stagnation disguised by a series of credit-fuelled bubbles. The unlikely success of Piketty’s Capital has provoked a half-hearted debate about inequality in the financial press. Barry Eichengreen’s latest book, Hall of Mirrors, is most interesting when read as a voice from within this establishment turmoil.

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Adam Tooze, ‘How to Mishandle a Crisis’, NLR 92: £3

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