New Left Review I/208, November-December 1994

Anthony Arblaster

The Fall of the House of Windsor

When Charter 88 was founded, six years ago, the issue of the monarchy was conspicuously absent from the programme of political and constitutional reform which it put forward. The omission was deliberate and could hardly have been otherwise. To embark on a campaign to modernize the archaic but formidable British state without considering what to do about the headship of that state would have been impossible. The response was firm and clear. The Chartists looked this problem straight in the eye and passed by on the other side. Marina Warner, in this new collection, [*] Power and the Throne, the Monarchy Debate, edited by Anthony Barnett, Vintage,London 1994, £5.99. explains frankly what happened:

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Anthony Arblaster, ‘The Fall of the House of Windsor’, NLR I/208: £3

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