
Halal snack packs a punch at Melbourne kebab shop

The infamous Halal Snack Pack has contributed to the flourishing of Melbourne business owner Cihan Parti's store.

The snack pack recently had a revival of sorts after a cheeky offer during the federal election, from NSW Labor senator Sam Dastyari, to take Pauline Hanson out to taste one.

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How to make a Halal Snack Pack

Sam Dastyari is in King Kebab House, Campbelltown and shows us how to put together the best HSP in Sydney.

Mr Parti's Viva Kebab is located in the CBD and opened its doors last year, but he said every day he continues to see an increase in the amount of customers purchasing the HSP.

"There are new faces visiting my business everyday, we have increased demand," he said.

"At a minimum the line of customers can stretch down the street with people waiting up to 30 minutes just to reach the front to order."

The crowds at Viva Kebabs just keeps on growing.

The crowds at Viva Kebabs just keeps on growing. Photo: Penny Stephens


Viva Kebab patrons Daniel Costabile and Harry Kaloyirou have noticed the popularity of the "snack pack" skyrocket.

"It is definitely on the rise in Melbourne, I walk past here every so often, and every time I walk past it (the line) does get bigger and bigger," Mr Costabile.

"Sometimes we go past (Viva Kebabs) and go 'it can't all be for the Halal Snack Pack' but it is. I wouldn't be surprised if people waited for half an hour."

Mr Kaloyirou believes social media has contributed to the rise of the HSP.

"It's a marketing strategy that's just bloomed by itself, and in doing so has created this whole new craze that everyone wants to try."

Mr Parti claims more than 400 HSPs are sold at Viva Kebab every day, with the traditional kebab order being sidelined in favour of the "snack pack".

With HSPs being advertised for as little as $12, consumers are snatching at the relatively cheap meal.

"I think it's good quality for money, it's a lot of food, and it tastes pretty good," Mr Kaloyirou said.