Embedded a Single Tweet with a video-specific template

An embedded video brings the best video content created on Twitter into your article or website in a video-optimized Tweet display.

An embedded video combines HTML descriptive text with Twitter-hosted JavaScript to display a fully-rendered embedded video.

Embed from Twitter.com

A Tweet displayed on Twitter.com with an attached video includes an embedded video markup generator to easily copy-and-paste embedded video markup and Twitter JavaScript into your webpage. Select the “More” Tweet action under the Tweet text and select “Embed Video” to generate HTML markup to include on your webpage.

Embed Video option on Twitter.com

Convert Tweet URLs using oEmbed

Programmatically convert a Tweet URL into embedded video markup using Twitter’s oEmbed API and the widget_type=video parameter. Make embedding a Tweet in your CMS or app as simple as copy-and-pasting a Tweet URL.


Customize video display

embedded video Tweet overlay

An embedded video allows customization of Tweet display when a viewer selects the Twitter bird in the bottom corner of an embedded video display. Set an oEmbed query parameter of hide_tweet=true or set a blockquote attribute of data-status="hidden" to link to the Tweet URL instead of displaying a Tweet detail overlay.