
Nationwide Telstra outage hits Perth after fire at exchange

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Customers of Telstra are experiencing major disruptions to their services due to a reported fire at one of the company's exchanges.

"None of my staff can make landline calls," said the head of a Perth charity, which looks out for at-risk youth. 

"We can't get through to Telstra - the line is busy. People have been trying to get hold of me since 9.30am or so. In fact we are having a new internet line put in at one of our sites and the Telstra technician struggled to contact me. 

"We can't contact staff or clients ... we have staff out with youth who won't be able to contact anyone or make an emergency call if they need to."

Users on website are complaining of outages of landline, mobile and NBN services from Australia's biggest telecommunications company.

The outage map on the shows all states and territories are affected.

Screenshot from outage website

Screenshot from outage website showing affected areas.

More to come.