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Orion Jade BB

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I am one of the Marginalised. We are members of the Marginalised...Need We say More...I. Love. Anger at greedy palms that touch what is not theirs to TOUCH! I own my BODY!

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Just for the point of it. I couldn't be fucked reading the spin myself...

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I have words to sum up various needs of my life. Last week was, 'Consistency'. This week it has been, 'Commitment'. Commitment to self, which are of pure hearts and are many. I'm just saying hello SS's...O

Often we are tested. By self, and by the constructed self, that judges self. What eyes do you see when you look past the eyes of the others perception? I feel movement in fear of their eyes. Their judgement. I have broken all the rules.  I refuse to play the victim of their fiddle's. ViolentI My self truth has been dealt a blow, because of misunderstood deeds. Usually the fight or flight nature. I always fought. I always won. On my terms. Often I mentally forced myself the victor. While others smirked because of their want of my demise. I have understood that I was led. Led towards myself. I don't play the fiddle of sympathy. I dance to a beat of self expression stemming from the crimes I endured. These aspects of understanding of truth, endured and entered self. I know of love. I was born. I have parents. I was crushed. I now am. And I am filled with love for all of love. The rest is your call. Mentally overcome those who make you question self worth SS O I am loved in ways i've never loved myself. These expressions of praise teach me how to have self worth...

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This is a Creation...
leshan giant buddha , China
by Wandering Panda on
[ ]
Statue of Leshan Giant Buddha is located at the confluence of three rivers point in the southern part of the province of Sichuan, near the city of Leshan in China. This statue built during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 m). The statue is the largest statue of Buddha carved into the rock in the world. Indeed, the area where the giant statue listed as a World Heritage Site since 1990 by UNESCO. The statue was not damaged by the earthquake that hit China in 2008.
The statue carving began in 713 under the supervision of a Buddhist monk called "Tong are"; in the hope that calms the Buddha powerful river that hit the cargo ships passing through the waters of the river. After the death of the monk, the statue building stopped due to lack of funding. After almost 70 years, he decided to military governor of the region to adopt the project and its financing. He has followers of Buddhist monk "is Tong" to complete the process of sculpture in 803. It seems that the large number of stones placed in the river by the statue carving process led to the calm waters of the river. Allowing ships to pass through.
#Asia #China #Leshangiantbuddha #carved #stone #travel #world #landscape

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Now. Relax. Feel. Embrace the Ocean BREEZE...

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Spread. Global Concept...###
Monster boats - like the Margiris super trawler - deplete the world's fisheries, cost local jobs and scoop up everything in their path with their enormous nets.

Australia’s super trawler ban expires in just under six weeks - we’re running out of time to renew it. We urgently need your help to keep them out for good!

Take Action >>

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Need WE say More...

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Wore a Gloomy Bear Costume at the Market. Didn't turn a head as I wore it with confidence...Go 4 All U Need SS!
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