
  1. Australian newspapers got photos of the first female nominee for US president on page one

  2. With Phili's finest doing a great job ......And YES that is a cigar

  3. . expects a "very robust discussion" on 's UN Sec Gen bid in cabinet "because there are obviously competing views".

  4. The President of the Patrick O'Sullivan QC says the NT Govt should not be involved in setting up the Royal Commission.

  5. Donald Trump urges Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's email

  6. "There are a number of irregularities," Liberal senator Ian Macdonald on the count. "These are matters for the lawyers. "

  7. Turnbull says gov has "no plans to change the laws relating to foreign ownership at this stage"

  8. Diddums didn't like European coffee? German expected to be spoken in Germany?

  9. . says a nomination would be an endorsement, when asked about Kevin Rudd's bid for the UN Secretary General

  10. Turnbull says 'may well be' court challenge to Herbert result

  11. "There is the Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser," Alan Jones says, then corrects himself

  12. LBJ watches himself nominated for President by Speaker Sam Rayburn, Democratic convention Los Angeles 1960:

  13. Federal Cabinet will set the terms of reference for the Royal Commission, after consultations with NT Gov't

  14. Turnbull says by nominating Rudd for the UN the government would be supporting him. Decision will be made by Cabinet today.

  15. ACCC head Rod Sims has strongly advocated privatisation for 30yrs. Now he says: "stop the privatisation"

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