
Cafe Di Stasio forced to repay $35,000 after exploiting foreign staff

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One of Melbourne's most celebrated restaurateurs has been forced to repay $35,000 to staff after the Fair Work Ombudsman found St Kilda fine-dining establishment, Cafe Di Stasio, had systematically underpaid and exploited six overseas workers.

The Fair Work Ombudsman launched an investigation in March last year after Fairfax Media revealed claims that Ronnie Di Stasio had forced an Italian waitress to pay kickbacks of $500 to the restaurant once a week in order to keep her work visa, while another foreign worker had only been paid holiday entitlements after taking legal action.

The investigation found Mr Di Stasio had underpaid four chefs and two bar staff between September 2015 and May last year. Workplace laws governing the keeping of employment records and pay slips had also been breached by management of the upmarket eatery on Fitzroy Street, St Kilda.

Five of the workers were in Australia on 417 working holiday visas, with the other employed on a 457 temporary skilled worker visa. Most were from Italy or India, with four of them aged under 24.

A casual chef was found to have have been underpaid almost $800 over a 54-hour week, because Mr Di Stasio  failed to pay the base hourly rate along with penalty rates for evening and weekend shifts.

Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James said any exploitation of young workers and visa holders was particularly concerning because they were often unaware of their workplace rights and reluctant to complain.


"There is no excuse for any business to underpay its staff, and visa holders are entitled to the same minimum rates as Australian workers," Ms James said.

Mr Di Stasio, who opened his legendary Italian restaurant in 1988, has agreed to enforceable undertaking with the Fair Work Ombudsman as an alternative to legal action in the Federal Court.

He will be required to commission two external audits this year, apologise to all affected staff and display a sign in his iconic restaurant that details the breaches of the Fair Work Act.

In February last year, Fairfax Media revealed a young Italian waitress employed on a 457 visa that required her to be paid an annual salary of $52,000, was forced to make weekly cash payments of $500 back to Cafe Di Stasio, which was collected by restaurant manager Mallory Wall.

At the time, Ms Wall, who has worked at Cafe Di Stasio for more than 25 years, emphatically denied receiving any secret payments on the restaurant's behalf.

"We absolutely refute any allegations of wrongdoing," she said.

Ms Wall then made the extraordinary and unproven claims that one of the Italian women was addicted to heroin, while another female complainant had been involved in a string of sexual relationships with staff.

"[She is] stained with a heroin infused reality ... and having [her] at the restaurant using was just not acceptable," Ms Wall told Fairfax Media in February last year.

She claimed she would provide video footage of the woman working under the influence of heroin and copies of written warning letters given to her. Ms Wall never provided the documents or videos to substantiate her claims.

In a statement from law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler, Mr Di Stasio claimed that the woman had been placed on probation because of "lengthy unexplained absences from her post, behavioural issues and poor job performance".

According to the Cafe Di Stasio website: "The small dining room treads a very fine line between well-mannered elegance and indulgent decadence".

The famed restaurateur also spruiked a cultural movement he refers to as "Italianality, which he says is based on "food, wine, art & ethics".