
Cruise ship gastro: 90 passengers fall ill with norovirus

Some passengers on board the Sun Princess brought back more than they bargained for from their holiday, with about 90 falling ill with gastro.

The ship docked at Brisbane on Thursday and all 2000 passengers disembarked. The Metro North Public Health Unit said none of the gastro cases needed hospitalisation.

100 passengers on the Sun Princess cruise ship were diagnosed with norovirus. 

Carnival's Sun Princess was towards the end of a 12-day round trip from Brisbane to Papua New Guinea when the passengers began reporting stomach bug symptoms.

In a statement, Princess Cruises said "only a small number" of the guests on board were affected by the stomach bug, however it was unusual for a gastro outbreak to occur towards the end of a cruise.

"Out of an abundance of caution, the ship and terminal were thoroughly cleansed during today's turnaround in Brisbane," the statement said.

"The ship was already on heightened alert because norovirus has been active in the general community in Australia in recent months."

The cruise ship will leave Brisbane this evening for a 14-day cruise to New Zealand, with passengers warned of a "short delay" in boarding.

Symptoms of norovirus including vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea and stomach cramps usually only last about two days, according to Queensland Health.