
Qué hacer

Exposición de la historia del concepto de comunización, acompañada de una crítica de algunos sus usos más recientes y frívolos

1977-83: Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Protest Disapearnces in Argentina

A history of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo. A group of Mothers whose children had been killed and disappeared by the Argentinian government.

"Occupying, Resisting, Producing" Argentine Workers Take Over Abandoned Factories - Andres Gaudin

A contemporary article on the then recent wave of factory occupations in Argentina follow the collapse of neo-liberal economy.

The human costs of militarization in Latin America - Arturo Jimenez

Portraits of missing persons, victims of Operation Condor

An article about the establishment of Operation Condor, an alliance between multiple right wing dictatorships in South America to target exiled dissidents.

Anarchism and violence: Severino Di Giovanni in Argentina 1923-1931 - Osvaldo Bayer

A biography of the Italian insurrectionary anarchist Severino di Giovanni.

Flowers for the rebels who failed: Rebellion in Patagonia by Osvaldo Bayer [Book Review]

In Rebellion in Patagonia Osvaldo Bayer rescued this tragedy from historical oblivion. ‘The 1921 massacre of the rural workers of Patagonia is no longer a taboo subject, mentioned as if it were but a legend.’ (p467) Patagonia, in the far south of Argentina, dominated by the livestock runs of large landowners, is a long way from Buenos Aires. It may be a long way from where you are, but this is a story that resonates.

Workers' control in Latin America, 1930-1979 - Jonathan C Brown

Peruvian miners on strike, 2008

A series of essays investigating the everyday acts through which Latin American workers attempted to assert more control over work processes and thereby add dignity to their lives, during the mass working class struggles in the mid-20th century. We do not agree with the leftist nationalist perspective of some of the essays but reproduce them all for the historical information therein.

Views and Comments No. 45 (Fall 1963)

The No. 45 (Fall 1963) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.