
Brisbane's solar uptake proves more popular in less affluent outer suburbs

A Queensland researcher has identified the kind of people most likely to install solar panels on their homes, and it was not the latte-sipping, inner-city greenies of political lore.

Instead, it was the working class outer suburbs that had proven to be most enthusiastic about harnessing the sun's rays.

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Jeff Sommerfeld, from the Queensland University of Technology's Creative Industries Faculty School of Design, said his research showed assumptions that solar photovoltaic systems were for those with higher pay and education needed to be rethought.

That research has been published in the latest edition of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

"In fact, the highest uptake of solar PV systems is coming from families, those on low-incomes and with homes of three bedrooms or more," Dr Sommerfeld said.

The type of Queenslanders purchasing solar PV had changed significantly over the past decade, Dr Sommerfeld's research showed, and it was the working-class suburbs on the fringes of Brisbane that were leading the way.


"The main difference in the outer and inner (suburban) rings was houses versus units, and that probably was the defining one," he said.

"Even in suburbs like Moorooka and those middle-ring ones, where there was as many houses as in the outer suburbs, we still had low uptakes and it wasn't until we really got out to those outer-ring suburbs that we saw a high uptake."

Not surprisingly, the type of abode in which people resided was also a critical factor, and could go some way to explaining the lack of uptake in the inner-city.

"If you don't have a house with a roof, the chance of you having solar is low," Dr Sommerfeld said, noting unit-dwellers were by circumstance less likely.

In previous years, Dr Sommerfeld said, financial capacity, education status and home ownership had been important prerequisites in the uptake of solar PV.

Now, Dr Sommerfeld said there was a more complex system of variable factors at play.

"For the first time we have compared solar installation data since 2001 against factors including income, mortgage repayments, rent, family size, ownership, education status and number of bedrooms," he said.

"This revealed that the current uptake of solar PV is based on a complex mix of demographic factors rather than taking for granted a person's income, education or living in trendy suburbs.

"Despite the initial upfront investment, the vast majority of people acquiring solar are in outer suburbs that often have lower average incomes."

A surprising finding for Dr Sommerfeld was the high number of over-55s who installed solar PV systems, which he said could reflect concern about controlling electricity costs.

Dr Sommerfeld said his findings had important policy implications for the introduction of emerging technology, such as battery systems developed by Tesla that, for now at least, remained financially out of reach for many potential users.

"At the moment this technology is very new, priced out of reach for many and considered innovative," he said.

"But just like we have seen with the solar PV uptake where innovators take the lead, early adopters quickly follow and then the wider population comes on board, this research is a signpost of what we might expect to see with the introduction of battery systems."

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