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Google Web Designer

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A new version of Google Web Designer is available now!
Today we've released an updated version which includes many usability features you've requested here on G+ and in our Forum! We've added a new Preferences panel, support for the Greensock JS Library for DoubleClick, Copy/Paste across documents.

We've also improved the timeline: multiple keyframe/thumbnail selection, zoom function for the timeline, dragging to hide and lock layers and even new easing functions. The entire team thanks everyone for their support and feedback! 
Google Web Designer's profile photoDidier Mazier's profile photougochukwu nwaogu's profile photo
I love this :)
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Google Web Designer

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#SpeedMatters when it comes to mobile sites
A fast and smooth mobile web experience keeps users engaged. Download this toolkit to get your site up to speed!
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Google Web Designer

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Common animation topics from the Google Web Designer forum
In today's blog, we are reviewing some of the top animation questions we receive and how to resolve them! Have you ever had animation overlap or you've simply wanted more control over animation when working with pages? Check out this week's article and let us know what you think in the comments!
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Google Web Designer

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Popular Questions from the Google Web Designer Forum
As a team, we receive some of our best and most challenging feature requests from the Google Web Designer Forum. It is one of our favorite avenues to really connect directly with all of you and align our roadmap with what you really need and want! This week, UX Engineer Nivesh takes us through a few of your most popular requests and he even includes the sample files to download! Take a look and let us know what you think in the blog comments!
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Google Web Designer

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Five features to explore in Google Web Designer
UPDATE: Please use this link as we investigate the phishing notice!

In this week's blog, UX Engineer Valerio reviews some of his top favorite features in Google Web Designer. From Fluid Layouts, to Groups to utilizing Google Drive to preview your work to clients, this is an information packed blog we think you'll really enjoy! Take a peek and let us know what you think in the blog comments!
Roberto Antonio Berrospe Machín's profile photoGoogle Web Designer's profile photoJyoti Q Dahiya's profile photo
+Google Web Designer , a stupid question, please, if you don't mind. Can I use Google Web Designer for an existing Google Sites site or am I stuck forever with the old template (chosen in a fit of goodness knows what)?
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Google Web Designer

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Google Code Jam is here! Registration now open!
Registration is now open for Google’s 13th annual algorithmic, global coding competition. And back for the second year is the Distributed Code Jam track, giving contestants even more ways to test their programming skills. This year, the competition is bigger than ever…

Join us for your chance to:
>Compete at the 2016 World Finals held in New York, NY USA on August 5-6
- where 25 Code Jam Finalists will compete for the $15,000 grand prize,
- and 15 Distributed Code Jam finalists will compete for the $5,000 grand prize;
>Win a limited edition Code Jam T-Shirt;
>Take home the titles of Code Jam and Distributed Code Jam Champion!

Registration will be open until the close of the first online round. The Online Qualification Round will take place on April 8 @ 23:00 UTC. Visit to learn more.

Are you up for the #CodeJam2016 challenge? Register today at 
Google Code Jam is back! For the 13th year, we're calling all programmers to put their skills to the test in multiple online rounds of intense, algorithmic puzzles. And for the second time, we're looking for those who want to code in a distributed environment, too.
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Google Web Designer

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Try the new Google Web Designer Learning path at Academy for Ads
Creative developers and designers, you can now show your expertise with building HTML5 creatives by earning a Google Web Designer Achievement!

We’re thrilled to launch a new Google Web Designer Learning path that teaches you the ins and outs of building HTML5 ads with the tool. Set aside time to walk through the courses and take the Assessment. Develop the expertise you need to use Google Web Designer to the fullest.

Get started with Google Web Designer:
Andrew Pintado's profile photoGoogle Web Designer's profile photo
+Andrew Pintado Thanks so much Andrew! We don't have very many Linux users, but it was a highly requested item, so it's great to hear that it's being used! Tell your Linux friends to give it a try!
jaz, Program Manager, Google Web Designer
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Google Web Designer

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Investigating Masking in Google Web Designer
In the last few months one of the Senior Engineers on our team investigated all the possibilities for doing an advanced visual workflow for masking in Google Web Designer. While we found many options, all of them turned out to have big flaws with fidelity or browser reach. We've included the link to the investigation document which includes demos that illustrate the problems.

We don’t see a viable way to do an integrated masking feature right now as a result of this investigation. If you are curious about the details please have a look at the document. In the future if we can find a solution that will provide the functionality across browsers that customers have requested we will jump on it. For now however, we are not going to build a feature that is less than a full solution.
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Google Web Designer

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An updated version of Google Web Designer is available now!
Today we've released an updated version which includes improvements across the entire tool, from Code View and Components to Text and Templates! Take a look today!
antonino margarone's profile photoGuy Capra (Alomphega)'s profile photoGoogle Web Designer's profile photoSami Alsamarh's profile photo
s the future going to be a copy GWD operates without Internet
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Google Web Designer

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A revamped UI and responsive design capabilities, now in Google Web Designer
Today, we’re excited to introduce an entirely revamped UI for Google Web Designer and responsive design capabilities that help creative developers make true responsive ad units a reality. Read more in our blog post:
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Google Web Designer

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Exploring gallery components in Google Web Designer
This week, Software Engineer Jeremy provides a full walkthrough using our Carousel and Swipeable galleries! Check out the blog post and let us know what you think in the comments!
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Google Web Designer

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Interactive design using CSS and Events!
It's the moment you've been waiting for! A new blog post! This week Eric, a UX Engineer on the team, provides a walkthrough using CSS and Events. You'll learn to re-create the rotation and movements similar to a ferris wheel and its cars. Check it out today and let us know what you think in the blog comments!
Avemfly Technology's profile photoManfred Gerads's profile photo
+Avemfly Blablabla - professional people don't spam - spammer are never professionals.
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Bring ideas to life across screens

Welcome to our Google Web Designer Page!

Google Web Designer is a professional-quality design tool that empowers creative professionals to develop cutting-edge HTML5 content for free. As an added benefit to ad designers, Google Web Designer is seamlessly integrated with DoubleClick Studio and Mobile Apps Reserve, greatly simplifying the process of building HTML5 creative that can be served through Google platforms.

We’ve created this Google+ page as a communication hub, where we’ll regularly post about the latest updates, tips and cool examples we’re seeing on Google Web Designer. Check back often for the latest and greatest from GWD!


The Google Web Designer team
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