Federal Politics

Mark Kenny

Mark Kenny is Fairfax Media's chief political correspondent. A director of the National Press Club, he regularly appears on the ABC's Insiders, Sky News Agenda, and Ten's Meet the Press. He has reported from Canberra under three prime ministers and several opposition leaders.

The Australia Institute's Ben Oquist says the actual income of the lowest paid had gone backwards over the past two decades.

Inequality rises as government plans to clip poorest further

The Turnbull government's plan to strip low-income welfare recipients of the clean energy supplement, will exacerbate growing inequality, sending their incomes 32 per cent below the poverty line, according to new research by the left-leaning Australia Institute. The study, shows the 2016 budget decision to abolish carbon tax compensation at a saving of $1.4 billion to the commonwealth, will add to a growing wealth gap in which the 10 richest Australians own as much as the bottom 4 million.

Luckier than some ... Malcom Turnbull was able to recover most of his investment in PlayUP.

Turnbull must find courage to avoid a bleak future

Stable government via a strong majority was Malcolm Turnbull's most fundamental promise - a pledge repeated so often in the final weeks of the campaign as to suggest voters might be schmucks.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: a persistent, nagging sense that whatever the plan is meant to be, nothing is quite ...

Scale of Coalition's poor election result slowly emerges

Conservative hopes of passing blocked union-taming legislation which became trigger bills for the double dissolution, were given a boost on Tuesday but the numbers still look tight even in the evbent of a joint sitting to try to pass the bills.

Attorney-General George Brandis.

PM gets abuse probe set up at second attempt

Malcolm Turnbull's heavily criticised royal commission into the Northern Territory's youth detention system has been given a second chance at success after the initial Royal Commissioner Brian Martin bowed to pressure by quitting just three days in to be replaced by a former Queensland justice Margaret White and indigenous community leader, Mick Gooda.

Attorney-General George Brandis.

Good intentions compromised by haste

Another excruciating exercise in administrative mediocrity. The result of important policy action constructed with inadequate consultation and too much speed.

Kevin Rudd would have been a long-shot, even if he got a Turnbull government nomination to become head of the United Nations.

Rudd snubbed by Turnbull: no job, no meeting

Kevin Rudd learned by telephone that he would not be nominated to run for the top job at the United Nations despite requesting a face-to-face meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and flying to Sydney for that purpose.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced Brian Ross Martin as head of the royal commission into child protection and ...

Turnbull broadens abuse inquiry

A culture of racism, brutality, and official cover-up in the Northern Territory's discredited juvenile justice system will be centrally examined by a royal commission formally established on Thursday by the federal government.

Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg.

Turnbull government's green shift to back renewables

Malcolm Turnbull's new Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg has signalled a declining role for coal in Australia's energy mix in the future, in a marked change from the aggressively pro-coal stance of the Abbott government.