Federal Politics

Trump badgers and brags in phone call with Turnbull

President Donald Trump speaks on the phone with Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull in the Oval Office of the ...

It should have been one of the most congenial calls for the new commander in chief — a conversation with the leader of Australia, one of America's staunchest allies, at the end of a triumphant week.

Malcolm's factory visit Trumped

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks to the media after a visit to the CSR Viridia Glass factory in Dandenong.

There was no denial of the story, no accusation of fake news. There was even a wry smile from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull when asked to comment on the veracity of an extraordinary story about President Donald Trump's fiery chat with him.

Coal could get clean-energy subsidy under new focus

Malcolm Turnbull has flagged a policy switch that is sure to provoke anger from anti-coal environmentalists.

Malcolm Turnbull has opened the possibility of using subsidies earmarked for green energy projects to help build new high-tech clean coal fired power stations as he branded Labor's "mindless rush into renewables", a recipe for more expensive and less reliable electricity.

PM warns of soaring electricity prices under Labor

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: why isn't he setting a better example?

Soaring electricity prices under Labor's green energy target, a re-commitment to "job creating" company tax cuts, and new savings to fund more affordable childcare are shaping as key battlelines in the political contest this year as Malcolm Turnbull outlines his government's strategy on Wednesday.