DoubleClick by GoogleDoubleClick by Google

The Goals

  • Increase brand awareness and consideration
  • Drive consumers to obtain quote and switch energy supplier

The Approach

  • Created customer journey model to drive engagement through multiple touchpoints
  • Incorporated creative formats and channels in a sequential, structured way
  • Used DoubleClick to fully integrate campaign across YouTube, programmatic video, display and remarketing

The Results

  • 35% higher brand consideration among exposed users
  • 65% longer average session duration than typical branding activity
  • 2.5X more switches than targeted


Published January 2017

OVO Energy strives to deliver fairer prices, better customer service and new ways of interacting with consumers. With the aim of making potential savings more tangible, OVO partnered with digital marketing agency Merkle | Periscopix on a multi-channel, multi-touchpoint campaign demonstrating the fun ways customers could spend the money that can be saved by switching to OVO.

Merkle | Periscopix created a customer journey model in which users would be served three to four creatives before being urged to take further action by getting a quote or switching energy supplier. A range of formats led users through a cohesive pathway to improve their engagement with the brand. First, a long YouTube video piqued user interest. This was then followed by a shorter video run programmatically across all channels, as well as display ads further down the journey. The final touchpoint took the form of remarketing banners (served to those who had visited the content landing page), which led users through to a quote or switch.

Using the DoubleClick stack made it possible to fully integrate the campaign from start to finish, tying up the user journey across YouTube, programmatic video and display, as well as impression-based remarketing on all channels. This setup enabled the team to run a campaign that could incorporate all of the various creative formats in a sequential, structured way.

OVO measured the impact of the campaign and found that exposed users showed a higher level of awareness and a significantly higher uplift in consideration. Post-campaign, those who had seen an OVO ad were 35% more inclined to consider buying their energy from OVO than users who hadn’t been exposed to the campaign.

Site engagement metrics provide an indication of the efficiency of OVO’s intelligent approach. With an average session duration of 28 seconds, users who came to OVO’s site as part of the campaign spent 65% longer than the average time on site of typical branding activity. Meanwhile, the campaign delivered on the goal of generating switches, surpassing the target by 2.5X.

DoubleClick’s innovative approach to video and rigorous measurement helped make the campaign a real success, giving us efficient reach at scale.

Peter Lawrence, Senior Marketing Manager, OVO Energy


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