WA News

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 'keep on pushing' at tour ending Perth Arena gig

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"You've got it, just keep on pushing."

Fitting lyrics for Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds to end on in their curtain closing concert at Perth Arena - particularly given the tragic and heartbreaking circumstances of the past 18 months for the Australian icon.

But lyrics befitting too of his enduring and era-spanning success. A durability and a standing of the test of time shared by very few other artists, globally.

And a packed crowd, young and old, were treated to that 25-year catalogue of genius, mesmerised by Cave's beautiful oddity on Tuesday night.

His charm and enigma was on show from the onset as he opened with tracks from their agonising new album Skeleton Tree - thought to have been written in part after the death of Cave's son Arthur in mid-2015.  

Cave took to a chair to deliver Anthrocene first up, before he was up on his feet to unleash his uncoordinated but nevertheless endearing, Ian Curtis-esque, dance moves in Jesus Alone.   


And by the time he had launched into the chorus of Higgs Boson Blues, he had also launched into the crowd.

Barely held aloft by the adoring, but quite frankly gropey hands of his upfront and centre fans, Cave defied his age, sweat pouring through his typically dark suit, to deliver quite probably the most intimate of concert experiences for those who packed in tightly by the stage.

And despite my own fears about the intimacy of Perth Arena on the whole for a gig of this nature - Cave has an almost unrivalled ability to transcend a space of that size, making us feel as though we were there front and centre where he crowd surfed - just without the sweat.

But let's not forget the Bad Seeds! Nick Cave announced they were "the greatest band on the planet and the greatest thing you'll ever see." It's hard to disagree.

Multi-instrumentalist Warren Ellis, bounds around the stage, violin in hand, with the energy of a sugared-up toddler, but declines front of stage when fans shout for him to address the crowd - Cave declaring "he's not a f--king puppy dog... he's shy". 

And while the likes of Martyn P. Casey, who also graced the stage with The Triffids, Thomas Wydler, Jim Sclavunos, Conway Savage, George Vjestica and Larry Mullins all appear to shun the limelight - they deserve the attention nonetheless.

Attention that was ramped up in the second half of the show as Cave rolled out hit after hit.

Into My Arms saw Cave take to the piano for the first time on the night, delivering a singalong for the ages, while Red Right Hand had the crowd transfixed.

If that wasn't enough there was still time for The Mercy Seat ... and then the encore! 

Despite being written in the late 1980s, it was hard not to re-appropriate the meaning to Weeping Song (which just so happens to be from the album The Good Son), in which Cave seemed at his most vulnerable on Tuesday. 

But there was little time to dwell on it as they followed with fan-favourite, "that bad motherf---ker"... Stagger Lee.

Finally the touching and seemingly apt lines to close out the gig and his Australian tour from Push The Sky Away.

And, if after a quarter of a decade at the top is anything to go by, we can only hope Nick Cave and of course the Bad Seeds do indeed 'keep on pushing.'