WA News

Highest indigenous prisoner rates in WA

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A report shows WA has the highest indigenous imprisonment rate and the most female prisoners in the country, but the Department of Corrective Services says the recidivism figures are among the lowest.

The Report on Government services for 2015/16 report shows WA's indigenous prison population rate per 100,000 adults was 3745, compared to the national average of 2330.

It also shows that WA has the highest percentage of female prisoners - 22.3 per cent compared to the national rate of 18.3 per cent.

Six people died from apparent unnatural causes in custody in WA, the highest national figure alongside NSW.

Three were indigenous deaths and three were non-indigenous deaths.

WA Prison Officers Union secretary John Welch said prisons were overflowing, operating at 148 per cent of their design capacity, although the Department of Corrective Services disputes this.


"Because of overcrowding and a lack of access to appropriate services, prisoners are not getting the opportunities they need for education and training," Mr Welch said.

"These opportunities are considered an important part of tackling recidivism rates, so if the government wants to prevent people going back to prison, it has to address this issue."

A spokesman for the Department of Corrective Services said the union was focusing on the negative aspects of a mainly positive report on the work of prison officers and community correction staff.

"The prison population has increased but we have some of the best recidivism rates in Australia," he said.

"Our recidivism rate for adults is 38.1 per cent, and the national average is 44.6 per cent."

The total prison capacity in WA was 7355 and there were 6469 prisoners as of Wednesday, meaning there were empty beds, the spokesman said.