
The Single Console for Your Entire Database Infrastructure
Better performing systems
Reduce risk for your mission critical applications
Efficient operations

Upcoming Webinars

ClusterControl 1.4: The MySQL Replication & MongoDB Edition - live demo
Presented by Johan Andersson

New live webinar on ClusterControl 1.4, the all-inclusive database management system that lets you easily deploy, monitor, manage and scale highly available open source databases on-premise or in the cloud. With focus on new features for MySQL & MongoDB.

Feb 7 2017 - 9:00am to 10:15am GMT/BST
Feb 7 2017 - 5:00pm to 6:15pm GMT/BST

Webinar replays

Performance Tuning of HAProxy for Database Load Balancing

This webinar discusses the performance tuning basics for HAProxy and explains how to take advantage of some of the new features in 1.5, which was released in June 2014 after 4 years of development work.

How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy

In this webinar, we cover the concepts around the popular open-source HAProxy load balancer, and shows you how to use it with your SQL-based database clusters.

“ClusterControl allowed us to implement a high availability database cluster and easily operate it, which helped the biggest football teams in the world access player data anytime, anywhere."
"ClusterControl has surpassed our expectations and we are confident that our systems can withstand the growth of traffic fuelled by consumer decisions."
BT Expedite
“With ClusterControl in place, StreamAMG’s flagship product is now backed with a fully automated database infrastructure which allows us to ensure excellent uptime."
"Thanks to Severalnines, we can spend more time working with our customers to deliver the next generation of content services as our back end is completely protected.”
European Broadcasting Union

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