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About the Mail & Guardian Online

Be part of the M&G; Online community and promote your products or services to over 1 000 000 monthly unique visitors generating more than six million monthly page impressions (audited by the DMMA). 

The Mail & Guardian Online is one of South Africa's top twenty websites, as measured and audited by the Digital Media and Marketing Association (DMMA). It is one of the country’s five biggest online newspapers. It was the first internet-based news publication in Africa. Launched in early 1994, it is reputed internationally for its quality content. The M&G; Online has received numerous accolades and awards, including three international Webby Honouree awards ("Internet Oscars") in 2008; and voted one of the world's top 175 websites by

Contact our sales team

Les van Dyk  
Email:   Phone: +27 (0)11 250 7308 Mobile: +27 (0)83 460 8581 


Adriana Botha  

Email:    Phone: +27 (0)11 250 7410 Mobile: +27 (0)82 386 1246 Fax: +27 (0)11 250 7502

Ad bookings: 

Tumelo Mojapelo  +27 (0)11 250 7318 or  Malesela Maleka  +27 (0)11 250 7358

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Readership profile

The M&G; Online appeals to the top LSMs, including the political and business classes and the country's intelligentsia. The publication attracts a readership that is above market aggregate in both income and education categories.

Our website has content like no other, and our readers are not what you would commonly find:

  • M&G; Online Unique users : 1 149 741
  • Daily Average Users : 59 393
  • Mobile Users : 48.29%
  • 30% readers outside South Africa
  • 10% outside Africa
  • 87% of our readers have a tertiary education, over 64% are married with families and slightly more own their own homes
  • There is a 72% male and 28% female split.
  • They are high-net worth individuals with disposable income to travel and purchase moderate to luxurious items.
  • 91% are over the age of 25 years.
  • Average session duration is 2min, and some articles are up to 10min
  • Top 3 interests are Luxury goods, Travel and higher Education.
  • 67% earning above R12000.00
  • 17% earning above R70 000.00
  • 60% are business owners or decision makers at their line of work.

Effective Measure: August 2016

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Client Media Releases

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